Sick at Parties

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I had the privilege and I mean true privilege of watching 2 Finnish lads leave a hotel at 6 pm.Dressed in vest tops,shorts.white socks and flip flops.Adorning their heads,they wore 2 hollowed water melons........ both of them looking like The Last Starfighter.The following morning I was back at the Hotel dropping the arrivals list off for the next day.Who comes staggering up the street but these 2 Heroes.People were having breakfast on the bar terrace and one of them just chucked his guts up in the middle of it and continued to walk on.The female owner of the hotel came out screaming.Grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and rubbed his nose in it.She then gave the drunken legend a bucket and a mop to sort it out lol NOW THAT IS A SESH. lol

I remember being carried out of The Grapes in Matthew Street after drinking far, far too many bottles of Pils. That was before they lowered the alcohol level, can't stand the fizzy crap now.
When I was 17, a mate who lived over the road had a free house for the weekend (as his folks were away) and invited me and some other mates over for a sly drink.

He'd managed to acquire (Probably nicked) a bottle of Raki from his grandad and we got to work smashing that once the limited beers we could blag were gone.

We got so drunk that me and one of my mates ended up fighting in the street for reasons neither of us can remember.
My Mum came charging out of our house over the road in her dressing gown, wielding a sweeping brush to break up the fight and drag me home.
Me and the lad I was fighting with were covered in blood, like some sort of massacre, which caused my poor mother a mild panic! Despite neither of us having anything worse than a split lip and a few grazes.

I went to bed and proceeded to projectile vomit aniseed smelling sick all over half of my bedroom, most of the bathroom (but not actually in the toilet) and all over myself in the middle of the night and was forced to clean it all up the following morning (not fun when you have the worst hangover imaginable)

Not my finest hour. :blush: lol

20 years later and the smell of any aniseed flavored booze (Raki, Ouzo, Pernod, Sambuca) makes my stomach churn.
Not so much a party, more a friday night piss up...I was 17.
There used to be(maybe still is) a pub on the corner Lower Breck Rd and Rocky Lane...may have been called the Lord Birkenhead??
That was 'The Newsham Park' pub (Not to be confused with 'The Park' which is near the bridge facing the police station)

That shut about 15 years ago. It was known to be a bit of a rough joint, then the place got shot at twice in a month and the Police got the council to revoke the license. They were renovating the building into apartments recently, but the work stopped when the covid lockdowns started and the place is still empty.
Quick question: how many court orders, injunctions and restraining orders have you received as a result?
I got a D&D £3 fine plus a good hammering on the way into the old Bridewell. I'd had two Coca Cola's,it was raining and the girl I was with on Dale Street looking for a cab were messing about playing who should have the umbrella,those days that's all it took. lol
Many years ago I had already had a good night out in Newcastle, ending up in the Mayfair Rock Club. By chucking out time I’d probably had 12 pints of snakebite.

One of my mates then suggested crashing his parents silver wedding party which he was sure would still be going back at his house. Sure enough it was and I proceeded to raid the spirits on the top of the fridge to make a pint glass cocktail of many and varied beverages. I remember staggering around the party offering people a sip as it tasted like cream soda (I’m sure it didn’t).

Not long later I was looking the downstairs loo to honk in when my mate found me just beginning to throw up into his Mum’s top loading washing machine. I was promptly thrown into the garden and apparently took a good 20 minutes to extricate myself from the rose bushes I had landed in.

The next sighting of me was up a tree in the local park by a work colleague who was walking his dog before going on early shift. Seems I was belting out Running Free by Iron Maiden at the top of my lungs. Ray shouted up at me and as I tipped forward I fell head first, about 20 feet, to the ground ripping my back open on a substantial branch on the way down. After assuring Ray I was ok I staggered off towards home.

Next memory is waking up the next morning in Mums downstairs loo with my 12 year old brother calling my name. I couldn’t move as I was stuck to the wall with dried blood and vomit and my Mum had to pour a bucket of hot water down my back to release me.

Happy days

Greece says Hello lol
Wasn’t a party but one of first holidays with hubby we went to Kos. The bargain hotel we were staying at used ouzo as a loss leader to get people to stay around the pool and order food/other drinks so first full day there we got up early to secure good loungers and spent the rest of the daylight hours there.

The resultant horrendous ouzo hangover plus heatstroke is something I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy!
The working men's clubs in County Durham used to serve LCL lager made by Federation Brewery in Gateshead. That was brutal, up there with Tennants and special Brew. Was never sick on it though. Don't think you can get it now. The brewery sold out to Scottish and Newcastle breweries and I think they discontinued it.
In the late 70s, early 80s, there was a Tetley Walker strike. I was contracting on factory maintenance working on machines that melted (v. simple none tech terms) aluminium.
They shut down 6.00am Sat. Morning, we had to do the job start 6.00am Sunday to finish, so we had to work on it when it was still hot, Sauna hot+ as it took 3 days to cool right down.
We finished ontime for 1.00pm Sunday and switched it all back on to heat up for 6.00am Mon morning start, gasping for liquid, aka, beer.
I was working with a couple of locals and they said followed them to their local...what about the strike, not a problem, the landlords been up to Newcastle and brought some barrels back.
Samson Ale, iirc,
We had 3 in 15 odd mins and took our time on the next 3, 40 mins at least before they threw us out at ten past two on the dot...the standard, havent you got homes to go to, me dinners going cold.
I remember being carried out of The Grapes in Matthew Street after drinking far, far too many bottles of Pils. That was before they lowered the alcohol level, can't stand the fizzy crap now.
Jesus, the hangover headaches after that.
Remember being in town on a Thursday night, just for a laugh and drink.
Anyway had a pringle on dancing about roasting hot rehydration with pils bottles ,the next morning, felt like Michael Flatterly was dancing on my napper.

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