Stadium Thread - ALL Kirkby/Stadium Discussion Here

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I quoted both articles, in the second which is years later, Green himself says he helped Kenwright to get Everton. He denies any share ownership of course, maybe that's the bit that's not reliable in terms of effective ownership? Maybe we need to know exactly how Kenwright funded his share of the purchase cost.

There'll be rats jumping ship any time now. b)

While I'm as fond of a conspiracy theory as the next man, I thought it was a matter of public record that Bill's Share buying was funded in part by a 3rd party - the Greggs, specifically Anita.

Now, it may be that Green stepped in to take over that loan when they all fell out, he may also have paid for Earl's shareholding when Bobby bought out Paul and Anita. This would have given Green 8,146 shares (Earl) plus say 4,500 (around half of Bill's) - a total nominal shareholding of just over 12,500 out of 35,000 or 35.7%.

All very well, but have yet to hear a compelling reason as to why. The only reason I can see for Green's ownership of these shares would be to capitalise on the capital growth, if so - why not hold them in his own name? Why would he want Earl installed? I can see that he may have lent Bill some cash (or more accurately taken over the Gregg loan) to help out a mate, but for the rest of it? I'm sorry, but with the information we have, it really doesn't make a lot of sense.

All this subterfuge would also be sailing very close to the wind with regard to EPL Rules, specifically:
Premier League Rule V.13

Each Club shall publish the identities of the ultimate owner of each Significant Interest in the Club.

Premier League Definition

“Significant Interest” means the holding and/or possession of the beneficial interest in, and/or the ability to exercise the voting rights applicable to, shares or other securities in the Club which confer in aggregate on the holder(s) thereof ten (10) per cent or more of the total voting rights exercisable in respect of the Shares of any class of Shares of the Club. All or part of any such interest may be held directly or indirectly or by contract including, but not limited to, by way of membership of an Concert Party, and any rights or powers held by an Associate, Nominee or Connected Person shall be included for the purposes of determining whether an interest or interest amount to a “Significant Interest”.
He's alleged to have negotiated the share price with Peter Johnson, widespread acknowledged involved in negotiating the Rooney deal, summons our chief execs to meetings in London & Majorca. Maybe he just loves Bill. :blush:
He's alleged to have negotiated the share price with Peter Johnson, widespread acknowledged involved in negotiating the Rooney deal, summons our chief execs to meetings in London & Majorca. Maybe he just loves Bill. :blush:

but even all of the above chimes with Bill's "he's available day and night for business advice" lovefest, doesn't it?

Although if he helped agree the Rooney price, it could be argued that his advice isn't always that great.

Lets face - the question is what does Green get out of all this - the good mate thing doesnt wash with me really. I cant see him investing in the club (Earls shareholding) unless there is something in it for him - the only thing that sounds plausable is that he was sold DK in 07 when Greggs shares were going begging as a means of turning a quick profit. Wyness has said he was working almost exclusively on DK before he left and yet intimated that "third parties" whom everyone assumes is Green (may or may not be), where interfering.

Speaking in conspiracy theory mode obviously.
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From WSAG...this....

Clarence Dock (reprise)
Posted by Coakley
on October 13, 2009, 1:04 pm

A few things:

What I posted last night came out of a conversation my brother had with Peel's development director during a time when Peel were putting through planning doccuments for Wirral Waters.

For those that are unaware Peel are the people who built the Trafford Centre and they own the dock estate in Liverpool (the old MDHC). They have a 50 year masterplan for Liverpool's Central and North docks called Liverpool Waters. They need something down there to drive investment and have been trying to get a 60 storey tower developed with Chinese money.

What's changed regarding development down there is they have been speaking to LCC about a stadium down there and they have been examining the effect a stadium has had on Melbournes Docklands.

What my brother was told....

1. Kirkby knockback is expected by the council and club are totally resigned to it in November.

2. Council will get the club and all parties (publicly) round the table ASAP. Multiple agencies will be involved including the NWDA.

3. Initial planning docs will go into LCC planning dept for Liverpool Waters with initial proposition for a waterfront stadium in late Dec, based partly on previous feasibility study by MDHC.

4. NWDA will pay grants for rail station at Vauxhall and surrounding works. Peel will construct the stadium, the terms will be identical to Kirkby in terms of EFC paying a peppercorn rent for 999 years (we effectively own the site). Grants will be triggered to go towards construction of stadium based on it being a brownfield site in Vauxhall that qualifies.

5. Everton's end of the deal will be no more than the outlay for Kirkby, possibly less, due to the multiple enablers that would be on board and grant money. Theres room for retail and hotels. Most interestingly, the Shanghao Expo next year was mentioned as a possible source of investment in this.

That's what our kid was told take it how you want. I'm taking it with a pinch of salt until I see a spade hit ground.

Cant stick the site like, but just passing it on.
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From WSAG...this.... WSAG: Clarence Dock (reprise)

Clarence Dock (reprise)
Posted by Coakley
on October 13, 2009, 1:04 pm

A few things:

What I posted last night came out of a conversation my brother had with Peel's development director during a time when Peel were putting through planning doccuments for Wirral Waters.

For those that are unaware Peel are the people who built the Trafford Centre and they own the dock estate in Liverpool (the old MDHC). They have a 50 year masterplan for Liverpool's Central and North docks called Liverpool Waters. They need something down there to drive investment and have been trying to get a 60 storey tower developed with Chinese money.

What's changed regarding development down there is they have been speaking to LCC about a stadium down there and they have been examining the effect a stadium has had on Melbournes Docklands.

What my brother was told....

1. Kirkby knockback is expected by the council and club are totally resigned to it in November.

2. Council will get the club and all parties (publicly) round the table ASAP. Multiple agencies will be involved including the NWDA.

3. Initial planning docs will go into LCC planning dept for Liverpool Waters with initial proposition for a waterfront stadium in late Dec, based partly on previous feasibility study by MDHC.

4. NWDA will pay grants for rail station at Vauxhall and surrounding works. Peel will construct the stadium, the terms will be identical to Kirkby in terms of EFC paying a peppercorn rent for 999 years (we effectively own the site). Grants will be triggered to go towards construction of stadium based on it being a brownfield site in Vauxhall that qualifies.

5. Everton's end of the deal will be no more than the outlay for Kirkby, possibly less, due to the multiple enablers that would be on board and grant money. Theres room for retail and hotels. Most interestingly, the Shanghao Expo next year was mentioned as a possible source of investment in this.

That's what our kid was told take it how you want. I'm taking it with a pinch of salt until I see a spade hit ground.

Cant stick the site like, but just passing it on.

Dont. Please don't get my hopes up. :(

That would almost be as good as kings dock, few miles further up, but still near the city centre. It might give that area a kick up the backside as well (in terms of regeneration, as it is a bit run down). Be right next to the Stanley Dock (Love that building.) Transport could be a bit of an issue, but widen the road, and stick a rail link to it, be fine

Excited now. Thanks:dodgy:
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Dont. Please don't get my hopes up. :(

That would almost be as good as kings dock, few miles further up, but still near the city centre. It might give that area a kick up the backside as well (in terms of regeneration, as it is a bit run down). Be right next to the Stanley Dock (Love that building.) Transport could be a bit of an issue, but widen the road, and stick a rail link to it, be fine

Excited now. Thanks:dodgy:

It'd be a bit better than whats on offer at the moment, that's for sure. Whatever the truth of this rumour you can bet if Destination Kirkby is rejected there'll be a raft of new stadium proposals shortly after. The most brain dead line in this whole business re Kirkby is the one spun about 'no alternatives'.

I remember seeing the plans for the old Clarence Dock redevelopment, it looked quite decent; if the PT links can be upgraded (and you'd have to think so, given the location) it has so much more going for it than DK.

I just hope it all isn't someone's wishful thinking

Links to the pics, and a funny climb down can be found here:
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I know that the council are desperate to force a regeneration down there to go along with the Project Jennifer regeneration on Gt Homer St and nearby environs. If that all came off, that'd be the Vauxhall and West Everton areas on a firmer foundation for the future. North Liverpool is the priority for LCC. It's all a long way off, of course.

Here's Trevor Skempton's sketch from his Kirkby Inquiry evidence on what a shared stadium and mixed use development could look like down there (details p.5/6): Against Everton’s ‘Destination Kirkby’.pdf
It'd be a bit better than whats on offer at the moment, that's for sure. Whatever the truth of this rumour you can bet if Destination Kirkby is rejected there'll be a raft of new stadium proposals shortly after. The most brain dead line in this whole business re Kirkby is the one spun about 'no alternatives'.

Yes there are always alternatives, as long as you remember to stay within the lines and not get distracted by the Play-Doh:

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