Stadium Thread - ALL Kirkby/Stadium Discussion Here

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Yes but that hasnt stoped other parties coming up with [Poor language removed] idea's that wont work.

Theirs nothing else in the pipeline dave.....get it!!

There was an exclusivity agreement in order preventing dialogue on that...get it?


For how long? - Bearing in mind the stadium issue isn't anything new.

And during that process, we have Warren Bradley claiming he has loads of ideas, in particular a stadium share :lol:

For how long? - Bearing in mind the stadium issue isn't anything new.

And during that process, we have Warren Bradley claiming he has loads of ideas, in particular a stadium share :lol:

For how long? Funny you should ask that. It was yesterday revealed at the Inquiry that it lasted right up unitl 2 weeks ago and that this has now been replaced by a 'land agreement' between the three parties. So, to answer your question: Everton have been in handcuffs of their own making since the begining to end of this sorrry saga. That's meant by the club's own admission that they wont 'actively' seek alternatives. How can that climate be conducive to fully costed and appraised plans for alternatives? A business (or a council) would be mad to go through that rigmarole without guarantees the club were co-operating openly and in good faith.

Not getting at you here specifically, but the lack of understanding of the mechanics of this move by people who are in favour of it or have no problem with it are [Poor language removed] staggering. I'm no expert, by the way, but I think I have the rudiments of the issues nailed down sufficiently to have an opinion.
Bruce, if the Stadium guaranteed new investment, then that would help, but in order to do that, you have to ensure that the deal to build the new Stadium doesn't hamstring the earning potential of said investment (remember, we are stuck there for a minimum of 25 years) .

The current agreements around the limiting of large non-football uses to 6 per annum, in addition to the free and cut price arrangements with KMBC seriously limit the earning potential of the ground. Arrangements such as these will not help the marketability of the club.

It could, in fact be argued that the club is more saleable at the moment: £50M for the club as it stands, with the potential to make money out of a development of the new owners choosing, where future earning potential can be maximised, rather than limited; or £200M for the club with the revenue dead end which is the current redevelopment.

I agree that Kirkby as a development doesn't set my heart racing but again we don't have the money to build the stadium we'd all like. I fear that doing nothing will be far more damaging than moving to Kirkby.
For how long? Funny you should ask that. It was yesterday revealed at the Inquiry that it lasted right up unitl 2 weeks ago and that this has now been replaced by a 'land agreement' between the three parties. So, to answer your question: Everton have been in handcuffs of their own making since the begining to end of this sorrry saga.

Thing is though Dave, believe it or not... there was the small issue of the stadium long, long before the 'sorry saga' of Kirkby. Back then, there was no exclusivity deal and now there is none. So to argue Everton prevented any dialogue with LCC;

davek said:
There was an exclusivity agreement in order preventing dialogue on that...get it?

Is staggering really. It really is. That excuse by LCC is damn right pathetic. Liverpool city council leader Warren Bradley In June 2007 "If Everton's deal with Knowsley falls through, I hope they will be able to discuss possibilities in Liverpool."

He then said "What we have got to is do all we can to retain Everton in Liverpool" Hes trying to do this alright. Make no mistake. See Bellefield redevelopment rejection.

He also confirmed that "Everton had been offered alternative sites within the city and the council was also searching for commercial partners".

So there we have it. The exclusivity deal made no odds as so called alternative sites had apparently been offered. He is also SEARCHING for commercial partners. Kind of like Kenwright searching for investment? No?

Bradley: "As a City Council leader more than an Evertonian, do we really want to see a commercial business the size of Everton move out of the city? Of course we don't. "What we have got to is do all we can to retain them in Liverpool. We've done work on finding land and we are doing work at the moment on finding further commercial partners.
"If at some point Everton say their current plans for Kirkby are not financially viable because there is no asset base, or Tesco say this doesn't stack up for us or any of our retail partners, and those involved don't think they can take it any further, then hopefully there will be possibilities in Liverpool."

As I have said before, people are far too quick to criticise the club and defend LCC.

I agree that Kirkby as a development doesn't set my heart racing but again we don't have the money to build the stadium we'd all like. I fear that doing nothing will be far more damaging than moving to Kirkby.

Bruce,I don't have an issue with moving if we have to, I don't have an issue with going to Kirkby if that's the best solution, but I do think that the way this development is structured could be a long term problem for the club.

So we are left with a couple of options:

Attempt to renegotiate: More than tricky at a time when the development is in a precarious position anway, certainly not an appropriate course of action during the throes of the enquiry.

Stay at GP and wait for the next Bus, and do it properly from the get go: Very risky, although if you take into account all of the options and proposals that have been raised in the 1- years since PJ, maybe these opportunities aren't quite as rare as they're made out.

On a side note, for a potential investor, I'm not sure that being at GP would be a massive hurdle. The real money is to be made improving the playing and marketing aspects of the club - Matchday Ground revenue is no longer the be all and end all. A new owner would be far more interested in pulling in new support from the massive emerging global markets than giving us nicer seats and bogs on a Saturday. It would perhaps be a far better gamble for them to buy the club on the cheap, with the 'cruddy, old stadium' and spend the savings on playing squad and global marketing.

If the stadium were considered crucial, if I was a potential investor, I'd want a bit more say in it's development.

Thing is though Dave, believe it or not... there was the small issue of the stadium long, long before the 'sorry saga' of Kirkby. Back then, there was no exclusivity deal and now there is none. So to argue Everton prevented any dialogue with LCC;

Is staggering really. It really is. That excuse by LCC is damn right pathetic. Liverpool city council leader Warren Bradley In June 2007 "If Everton's deal with Knowsley falls through, I hope they will be able to discuss possibilities in Liverpool."

He then said "What we have got to is do all we can to retain Everton in Liverpool" Hes trying to do this alright. Make no mistake. See Bellefield redevelopment rejection.

He also confirmed that "Everton had been offered alternative sites within the city and the council was also searching for commercial partners".

So there we have it. The exclusivity deal made no odds as so called alternative sites had apparently been offered. He is also SEARCHING for commercial partners. Kind of like Kenwright searching for investment? No?

To be fair though, Danny, it's hardly a position of strength to canvas from though, is it? I can imagine the sales pitch now:

"We're looking at kickstarting a development in the City with yourselves as retail partners and EFC as an anchor. Can you spare a couple of months and a couple of hundred grand to help put the proposal together? Oh, and by the way, Everton won't talk to you, are dead set on going somewhere else, have signed an exclusivity agreement to that effect and don't even seem to like us very much any more.

Hello?.... hello?" click.
Yay, good work, now i dont have to read about Kirkby every 3rd thread. Cos in fairness the subject is ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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