Which polls are they ?
I think given that Everton has proportionately a high level of "working class" support, it is to be expected that this forum is probably unrepresentative of the nation as a whole. I'm not sure how many conservative voters talking to pollsters would wish to hide their real intent though - why would they?
Anyway in 9 days we will know - for the Conservatives to have more seats than Labour they will require roughly a 4% lead in voters which is within the current margins for error, what is clear though, and this was my point that a Conservative/LD coalition is looking very unlikely without a significant surge in the polls.
What can be revealed or happen now that would cause such a surge? Unlikely to be any significant new policy announcements, in the final week, trategists will be focusing on getting as many supporters out to vote rather than changing peoples minds. The only plausible scenario then is a Gillian Duffy moment.....
I think given that Everton has proportionately a high level of "working class" support, it is to be expected that this forum is probably unrepresentative of the nation as a whole. I'm not sure how many conservative voters talking to pollsters would wish to hide their real intent though - why would they?
Anyway in 9 days we will know - for the Conservatives to have more seats than Labour they will require roughly a 4% lead in voters which is within the current margins for error, what is clear though, and this was my point that a Conservative/LD coalition is looking very unlikely without a significant surge in the polls.
What can be revealed or happen now that would cause such a surge? Unlikely to be any significant new policy announcements, in the final week, trategists will be focusing on getting as many supporters out to vote rather than changing peoples minds. The only plausible scenario then is a Gillian Duffy moment.....
(Not buying the working class thing though - fact of the matter is, it's almost like social suicide to admit to being a Tory voter on social media)
Dunno. It's true though.Why though?
Shy Tories - as if. They make their voices heard just as much as anybody else. Why would a Tory voter be ashamed to vote Tory if they didn't believe there was anything to be ashamed of?
The tories and the tory press will have something held back to unleash a few days before polling day im sure. No doubt a pretty similar scenario to all the lies they fed the Scots before the referendum vote.
I'm not ruling out a nasty coalition wich includes ukip just yet.
I used the Guardian average of polls which looks at all polls including constituency level polling, national and English regional polling and national level polling.
The Guardian’s average of polls aims to best represent a snapshot of the polls as they stand. The model aims to translate what polling figures would mean in terms of seats if an election were to take place today (and, of course, if the polls were right).
Thats rather different to what you originally posted. A projection which the Guardian themselves admit may not reflect accurately what actually happens on Election Day. You can't possibly declare there won't be another coalition based on that...
Why though?
I used the Guardian average of polls which looks at all polls including constituency level polling, national and English regional polling and national level polling.
The Guardian’s average of polls aims to best represent a snapshot of the polls as they stand. The model aims to translate what polling figures would mean in terms of seats if an election were to take place today (and, of course, if the polls were right).