I'm old enough to remember having a real choice in politics but now they are all virtually identical. I was very active years ago until the Iraq fiasco, I just gave up, getting into bed with that clown Bush finished me.
The same Russell Brand who encourages not to vote.Miliband has been battered from pillar to post this election by certain sections of the media. I can see the logic in why has has agreed to the interview with Brand, if the traditional forms of media aren't going to give him a fair crack of the whip then why not down the more unconventional route.
Brand has close to 10 million Twitter followers and of late has connected with a large group of people who have felt disillusioned with politics. If Miliband can get his message through to just a small number then it's a success, interviews like this also help dust aside the negative stereotype which the right wing media have tried so hard to build up of him.
I understand the concern with major political figures dipping their toes into the weird celeb culture world but that's the age we live in. You can't ignore the electorate otherwise more and more will become apathetic, you've got to move with the times. Once upon a time they said TV would never catch on, it was a fad and useless as a political tool in elections......
I don't think anyone actually takes Russell Brand seriously, do they? I hope not.This May have already been discussed here, I haven't read the previous 10 pages or so, but does anybody think Russell Brand's expected endorsement of Miliband will have any impact amongst young voters?
The same Russell Brand who encourages not to vote.
He doesn't encourage people not to vote, he just said he doesn't vote.
Everybody should be able to go to university if they really want to, but there is clear evidence that students from the poorest areas of society are statistically less likely to do so - the effect is quite significant - I'll dig out the figures tomorrow
did she get here tits out, what sane woman would write to that ragSky news currently interviewing little known woman who makes pants. She's written to the Sun in support of Cameron. No response asked of Labour / Lib Dems.
Anyone would think The Sun & Sky were from the same stable.
Oh. Wait ...
“A return to growth after austerity has been put on hold is not at all surprising. As I pointed out recently, if this counts as a policy success, why not try repeatedly hitting yourself in the face for a few minutes? After all, it will feel great when you stop.”
But what are these restrictions you speak of? I went through uni through a combination of part time job and student loan. No support from my parents at all. If I did it that way, anyone can. The only thing stopping people is self-doubt and generational inertia.Which goes back to my point about the UK not fulfilling its full potential. Talent is being prevented from being developed due to a restrictive, socially-unjust society. Why are we going back to Victorian times? We had the world to exploit in those times. Nowadays we have ourselves. Let's at least treat each other equitably.
The same Russell Brand who encourages not to vote.
This is the point though, isn't it?
Russell Brand says he doesn't vote and he is an enormously popular figure so, whatever we think of his views, they will have a great deal of influence on people.
So, how best to address the issue of not voting than to talk to one of its most popular advocates? Why would this be frowned upon?
Fair play to Miliband on this one.