You are right to point it out. I think they are streets ahead as a nation and welcome lots of German influence in the direction of Europe. Don't think its run for their benefit particularly. Think their development to a truly mixed economy, renewables, recycling and high regard for skillsets other than Financial Services and Property Speculation has given them the lead. We should look and learn.
'Great' Britain has been a leader in so many things in the past, but has not got over the fact it does not have colonies any longer. There are lots of other countries who do certain things much better than we do. Dutch Health Service, German investment in manufacturing, Finnish Social Services etc. We should be really in the thick of it in Europe and getting as good as they are when its better and leading when we are. We have never really got stuck into it, always one step removed somehow.
We are really stuck between being Europeans or Little America. I know what I prefer.