The Everton Board Thread (Inc. Bill Kenwright / Blue Union)

Is it time for Change...???

  • Kenwright an the Board out, We need Change.

    Votes: 503 80.0%
  • Im Happy with the way thing are. Kenwright an the Board should stay

    Votes: 126 20.0%

  • Total voters
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So he gets to choose which players go in order to balance the books. That's not much of a choice.

He's overplaying his hand here. I really dont think there's the audience willing to lap this shit up anymore. The time has long gone when Moyes could unify the fanbase. He's damaged goods in that respect.

Not at all.

Name a player under Moyes that was a key member of the squad who moyes plays week in week out that was sacrificed in order to balance a sheet? Rooney aside.

Pienaar - wouldn't sign a contract, wanted to move
Vaughan - never gonna make it, sold
Lescott - wanted to move
Johnson - wanted to move back south
McFadden - wanted a move

The list goes on. They either wanted to leave, or weren't very good.

You've got no arguement with that.

Yes, its been admitted weve given fees to the bank. But I'm sure we would've let pienaar run his contract out rather sell him. Anyone else, you've got no arguement there.

BUT it does leave that horrible predicament that if we finish low and money isn't coming in, I'm sure the situation will be different and Moyes will walk if his hand was forced to actively sell a player hmhe didn't want to
Not at all.

Name a player under Moyes that was a key member of the squad who moyes plays week in week out that was sacrificed in order to balance a sheet? Rooney aside.

Pienaar - wouldn't sign a contract, wanted to move
Vaughan - never gonna make it, sold
Lescott - wanted to move
Johnson - wanted to move back south
McFadden - wanted a move

The list goes on. They either wanted to leave, or weren't very good.

You've got no arguement with that.

Yes, its been admitted weve given fees to the bank. But I'm sure we would've let pienaar run his contract out rather sell him. Anyone else, you've got no arguement there.

BUT it does leave that horrible predicament that if we finish low and money isn't coming in, I'm sure the situation will be different and Moyes will walk if his hand was forced to actively sell a player hmhe didn't want to

Andy Johnson, but he was finding it difficult to get in the squad due to a change in system when Yakubu arrived.

Plus he wanted to move back down to London...

So agree with all points.
It's down to pure, unadulterated fury.

Moyes is popular. The point which you ignored is that he's lost his ability to unify the support because he's increasingly soiled by his association with Kenwright - and he undeniably is overseeing a period of decline which make his own claim to be ambitious completely laughable. There'll be growing discontent with Moyes. It's not what any of us ever wanted, but there it is.

You dont matter.

I dont see it mate, but you could be right with a naff start to the season, its the wrong avenue for me targeting Davey - if i was targeting pressure - i also thing dont beleive it either.

I think the reaction to the statements released by the club (beleiving that the transcript is flawed) is interesting, i could understand why most people would be frustrated and vent, surprisingly so though most comments seem to be understanding and of a grudging realistic support. I dont think the divison in the fanbase exists as much as your making out either, i think the general consensus is the need for some kind of change/stimulas i dont think thats a debate for anyone involved in commenting or anyone got to do with the club.

It only gets better from a PR point of view from this point on.
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Dave K's OUTRAGEOUS attack on Moyes in here shows the lunacy of groups like Dave K is affiliated to.

He'd smash up something in order to try and fix something he views needs fixing.


Which is ultimately more costly and inefficient.

Moyes is nothing to do with the issue he sees. The actual issue is the Commercial Revenues at the club, and infrastructure.

That's the Board. Nothing to do with Moyes.
Watershed year this one. Change is in the air. Regardless of any sympathy many blues will have with a transcribed interview apparently being leaked without full permission, there's zero good will in the bank for anyone at Goodison - that goes for Moyes as well as Kenwright.

there may be more twist in the tale on that interview, supposed to be quite a lot not out in the open yet, they are supposed to be sitting on stuff they promised not to put in the public domain, will be intersting to see if the onslaught agiast them carries on they will keep there word, on current form i think not, black clouds gathering over are club, but as me mam always says a good storm always clears the air

Pretty damning statement to be fair, for an organisation pontificateing about partnership, communication and transparncey, battle ship sunk i think - pity mind - again ruining it for everyone else.

Derek Hattons facilitator of the meeting between the BU and Bill Kenwright statement:

I met the Blue Union lads through Twitter and was asked by them if I might be able to arrange meetings with Robert Elstone and Bill Kenwright.

I said I’d try but only if they promised they were prepared to treat the meeting with discretion. I was at pains to point out that they’d let me down if any discussions proved not to be civil, constructive and reasonable. I emphasised above all, the lads needed to respect the confidentially of anything said.

Three of the lads met Robert and had positive discussions. They agreed the meeting was useful and had ‘gone really well’.

I then contacted Bill who agreed, subject to the rules I’d set out with the lads, to meet them the day before the Spurs game. Bill contacted me when the Spurs game had been cancelled to offer to rearrange but the lads were keen to press on.

When we arrived at Bill’s offices, he couldn’t have been more hospitable and we spent time looking at the mementos and memorabilia that fill his office. When we sat down, the lads took out notebooks and Bill immediately asked for confidentiality, ‘no notes’ and everyone agreed. Notebooks were put away. It was all clearly private.

After three hours, where many things were discussed and explained with Bill reminding everyone on a regular basis ‘that’s between us’, the meeting ended with reminiscences and football-talk.

The lads all agreed it had been a positive meeting and felt buoyed by what they’d heard. They repeated it had been ‘a great meeting’. I reminded them to respect the confidentiality agreement.

At no stage did I or anyone know the very privileged get together was going to be taped.

As I said on my tweet yesterday, taping any meeting without anyone knowing is disgraceful and underhand. Taping a meeting with the Chairman of your f
ootball club is the lowest of the low. I also want nothing more to do with these people.
Not at all.

Name a player under Moyes that was a key member of the squad who moyes plays week in week out that was sacrificed in order to balance a sheet? Rooney aside.

Pienaar - wouldn't sign a contract, wanted to move
Vaughan - never gonna make it, sold
Lescott - wanted to move
Johnson - wanted to move back south
McFadden - wanted a move

The list goes on. They either wanted to leave, or weren't very good.

You've got no arguement with that.

"Not every manager is lucky enough to have millions, I'm one of the managers who is not so I'll work and prepare the players and I know exactly what I'm going to get. A few years ago we had to trade James McFadden and Andy Johnson" - Moyes yesterday.

Yes, its been admitted weve given fees to the bank. But I'm sure we would've let pienaar run his contract out rather sell him. Anyone else, you've got no arguement there.

You were told yesterday that the Vaughan money also went to pay down was part of the Rooney fee. We were on our arses before he was sold to United.

BUT it does leave that horrible predicament that if we finish low and money isn't coming in, I'm sure the situation will be different and Moyes will walk if his hand was forced to actively sell a player hmhe didn't want to

No he wont. He'll carry on.
Pretty damning statement to be fair, for an organisation pontificateing about partnership, communication and transparncey, battle ship sunk i think - pity mind - again ruining it for everyone else.

Derek Hattons facilitator of the meeting between the BU and Bill Kenwright statement:

I met the Blue Union lads through Twitter and was asked by them if I might be able to arrange meetings with Robert Elstone and Bill Kenwright.

I said I’d try but only if they promised they were prepared to treat the meeting with discretion. I was at pains to point out that they’d let me down if any discussions proved not to be civil, constructive and reasonable. I emphasised above all, the lads needed to respect the confidentially of anything said.

Three of the lads met Robert and had positive discussions. They agreed the meeting was useful and had ‘gone really well’.

I then contacted Bill who agreed, subject to the rules I’d set out with the lads, to meet them the day before the Spurs game. Bill contacted me when the Spurs game had been cancelled to offer to rearrange but the lads were keen to press on.

When we arrived at Bill’s offices, he couldn’t have been more hospitable and we spent time looking at the mementos and memorabilia that fill his office. When we sat down, the lads took out notebooks and Bill immediately asked for confidentiality, ‘no notes’ and everyone agreed. Notebooks were put away. It was all clearly private.

After three hours, where many things were discussed and explained with Bill reminding everyone on a regular basis ‘that’s between us’, the meeting ended with reminiscences and football-talk.

The lads all agreed it had been a positive meeting and felt buoyed by what they’d heard. They repeated it had been ‘a great meeting’. I reminded them to respect the confidentiality agreement.

At no stage did I or anyone know the very privileged get together was going to be taped.

As I said on my tweet yesterday, taping any meeting without anyone knowing is disgraceful and underhand. Taping a meeting with the Chairman of your f
ootball club is the lowest of the low. I also want nothing more to do with these people.

Lol. welcome to last night mate.
You were told yesterday that the Vaughan money also went to pay down was part of the Rooney fee. We were on our arses before he .

Is paying down debt a bad thing?

FFS. Dave. Ask Greece, Ireland and Portugal the consequences of not servicing debt early.

We were on our arses because Walter Smith bought 30+year old junk.

Its like Groundhog day with you.

Again you confusing the issue of Commercial Revenues and infrastructure with your little agenda to smash the club up.

KEIOC tyranny. Pure and simple.

Was not really in favour of Kirkby. But you're acting like one man judge jury over everything Everton.

And if you think you're going to start on Moyes now with your agenda, think again. I for one won't let you.
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there may be more twist in the tale on that interview, supposed to be quite a lot not out in the open yet, they are supposed to be sitting on stuff they promised not to put in the public domain, will be intersting to see if the onslaught agiast them carries on they will keep there word, on current form i think not, black clouds gathering over are club, but as me mam always says a good storm always clears the air

Supposed to be Robert Earl related stuff?
I dont see it mate, but you could be right with a naff start to the season, its the wrong avenue for me targeting Davey - if i was targeting pressure - i also thing dont beleive it either.

I think the reaction to the statements released by the club (beleiving that the transcript is flawed) is interesting, i could understand why most people would be frustrated and vent, surprisingly so though most comments seem to be understanding and of a grudging realistic support. I dont think the divison in the fanbase exists as much as your making out either, i think the general consensus is the need for some kind of change/stimulas i dont think thats a debate for anyone involved in commenting or anyone got to do with the club.

It only gets better from a PR point of view from this point on.

I cant agree with that. To believe you can have a club sliding down the table and doing nothing about it with a board of directors either out of the country or out to lunch and that everything is pretty much calm beyond a couple of hot heads defies belief. Any serious observer can see what's going on is a major challenge to those in charge to up their game or get out of the club...and that's amongst people way outside of any involvement with one of these fan groups that sprang up this summer. The club knows this and that's why they've run riot with a series of articles in two days fighting tooth and nail to try and manage the situation. Well it cant be managed. The club is structurally unsound and that will tell season after season until something eventually gives and they clear out. It only gets worse from here on.
rather not comment davek, it up to them to put it out, if i say anthing it will be as bad as them spilling the beans, they have said it wasnt for public so its there call,sorry mate not trying to be off about it.

Fair enough mate.
I have no problem with us paying off debt if it's for the greater good of the club. What has come out of this is that I'm pretty sure money isn't 'leaking' into pockets. Right now I don't mind us not buying anyone, especially as Barkley fits the cliche of 'like a new signing'. If we'd bought him in from another club the masses would be largely appeased, which kind of sums up their mentality.

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