Swear by my three scrambled eggs every morning for a baseline. Started that in 2014 and within weeks new people I met kept saying they thought I was a rugby player. Anyway, I got 'Old Man Swears At Cloud' stuff to get off my chest:What do people here do for protein?
I'm trying to get my protein up a bit not only for muscle growth but also just to hopefully feel more satiated on less calories. I'm gonna start adding greek yoghurt and powdered peanut butter to things. And I might start using liquid egg whites here and there too.
A doc told me to stay away from protein powders as I tend to get rosacea and he reckons protein powders can aggravate it. Although looking online it seems only the milk based proteins can cause this, so I might look into some vegan ones.
* How come everyone in the gym these days spends five mins looking at their phone between sets?
* How come 50% of people move their bench to within two feet of the dumbell rack for their workout so you almost kill yourself getting the 42.5's. And even after you've almost killed yourself they still don't move back?
* How come in your 40's you only spend two weeks of each year niggle free, and the other 50 weeks you're tip toeing through about five different niggles, even though you warm up for 20 minutes before lifting a single weight and start with the 12.5's just to give your tendons some warning!
* How come you still walk home from the gym an entirely different person to the one who walked there an hour ago, even despite all of the above. It's magic.