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I started my new gym this week and it’s got several of these Technogym machines which are like a hybrid of a machine and cables. They feel a bit weird, but they do feel like they will be effective.

Anyone else used these before?

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My gym has them. I use the pec deck one. Couldn't really accurately assess the effectiveness though I don't think. My chest has improved but I do other things for them too
My gym has them. I use the pec deck one. Couldn't really accurately assess the effectiveness though I don't think. My chest has improved but I do other things for them too
I must admit I quite like them now.

They’ve got one for a mid row and another one next to it for a high pull down. As the two cables have independent weight stacks I’ve found them good for stability in a similar way to dumbbells.
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'The lip king' no less, and who wouldn't want to look like the flump lipped umpa lumpa...

illegally selling poison, and there's folk daft enough to give it a go. The authorities cracked down on spice pretty quick, yet vulnerable usually young women get the thin end of the wedge yet again.

Has anyone done of those online body transformation programmes that a lot of trainers offer? If so, do you think they're worth it?

Yes, mate. I've done a couple of them.

The first one I went really strict with it and ended up in the best shape I've ever been. It was difficult, and I ended up back out of shape within a few months as it just wasn't sustainable. The second time I did it was recently, and I was a lot more realistic with it, finished it about 2 months ago and I'm still going to the gym 3-5 times a week, since. It's the strongest I've been in ages and I'm loving it.
Yer worth it for the accountability alone

Yes, mate. I've done a couple of them.

The first one I went really strict with it and ended up in the best shape I've ever been. It was difficult, and I ended up back out of shape within a few months as it just wasn't sustainable. The second time I did it was recently, and I was a lot more realistic with it, finished it about 2 months ago and I'm still going to the gym 3-5 times a week, since. It's the strongest I've been in ages and I'm loving it.
Nice which ones did you do if you don’t mind me asking? There are so many out there it’s hard to know which ones are good

Tried the clean bulk, turned into dirty. Reached goal weight a bit too soon, don’t plan on cutting until new year but think I’m sound with footy twice a week til then.

Separate note any of you been tempted by that Woop watch? I’d be all over it but think I’d obsess over every detail so avoided for now.
Jarred my shoulder doing unassisted pull ups. So now I've got a dodgy hip and a dodgy shoulder. Shoulder not too bad though I don't think so should be able to get back to upper body stuff soon enough
Feel like I’ve had an interesting lens in to the lives on the well healed in my new gym over the last 5-6 weeks.

Unfortunately blokes with zero gains talking are a thing here, too. Also, all the rich older guys lift way too much with shocking form with no exceptions. What does that say about egos, etc.? Fascinating stuff.
Feel like I’ve had an interesting lens in to the lives on the well healed in my new gym over the last 5-6 weeks.

Unfortunately blokes with zero gains talking are a thing here, too. Also, all the rich older guys lift way too much with shocking form with no exceptions. What does that say about egos, etc.? Fascinating stuff.

Some boss characters in the gym. There’s a PT in mine who is one of the most out of shape PTs I’ve ever seen, he has 2 regular clients who have been with him all year and they look no different than they did in Jan. they just spend time chatting next to the gym equipment drinking coffees.
I've started doing drop sets again and I'm really enjoying the results. I've genuinely found drop sets to be a fast track to building muscle when utilised correctly.

I think a lot of people imagine drop sets as these gruelling pyramid sets, where you start with a certain weight for one set, then reduce the weight in stages until failure. The machines where you use a pin to select weight are ideal for drop sets, particularly as you can fine tune the weight with minimal effort. For example, for one set I may do 60kg for for 5 reps, then drop it to 55kg and do another 6 reps. You'd be surprised how much you can continue to lift even when dropping the weight just 10-15%. In total I'll do 3-4 total sets on this machine/exercise and then move on.

I get a bit hooked and end up trying to do every exercise with drop sets, which is a bit risky. It's fun, though, and the results can be surprising.

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