This nurse Letby case

So, so, so disturbing.

Has any sort of motive been established? Obviously she is a deranged, evil psycopath but who wakes up one and decides to murder new-borns randomly? Was she unable to have her own?
I can't recall many psychopaths going home and jotting down the details and their feelings re their crimes.
I am at a loss to understand how with every consultant against her, she hung on in what must have been a very difficult environment.
I have no idea how her fellow nurses were able to work alongside her with even the mildest suspicion of serious harm being done as a background to work.
The cull of all of the hospital execs that backed Letby the first time round is awfully suspicious. (those that supported her against the consultants were all gone, and all seven consultants were still there having been forced into signing a letter of apology)
We're on the cusp of the beginning of this, there'll be legions of books written and documentaries made.
[To try to get some sort of perspective, I'm trying to find premature baby mortality figures for other NHS units]

A quite awful ordeal, and am unsure how the system could trial her again with this national news broadcast, a jury's impartiality surely hindered.

There must be other families bereaved that this drags up new questions and old hurt for, and then the processing and dealing with the losses, all over again. Very grim and very sad.

Time for NHS reform. Baroness Casey review etc. Lie detector tests and psychological tests for NHS staff. Personal mobile phones to be checked as well.
Who's doling these out? wayne couzens? and checking through personal phone information over what? a job interview? serious invasion of privacy to be a ward porter? Lets please try to keep at least a little rational.
One of the most chilling things I read today was in the Sky article:

A nurse who worked at the hospital told Sky News that when "alarms would go off during the night" there would be a "phrase that people would use".

Lynsey Artell said that colleagues would ask, "I wonder if Lucy's working tonight?".

That's just haunting to think there was a jokey phrase going round whenever crap hit the fan which turned out to be such a ghastly truth.
I am at a loss to understand how with every consultant against her, she hung on in what must have been a very difficult environment.
I have no idea how her fellow nurses were able to work alongside her with even the mildest suspicion of serious harm being done as a background to work.

One of the most chilling things I read today was in the Sky article:

A nurse who worked at the hospital told Sky News that when "alarms would go off during the night" there would be a "phrase that people would use".

Lynsey Artell said that colleagues would ask, "I wonder if Lucy's working tonight?".

That's just haunting to think there was a jokey phrase going round whenever crap hit the fan which turned out to be such a ghastly truth.
alluded to this, it's staggering and it's only day one.
Who's doling these out? wayne couzens? and checking through personal phone information over what? a job interview? serious invasion of privacy to be a ward porter? Lets please try to keep at least a little rational.
Well it seemed fair game to demand this of the police.

Well it seemed fair game to demand this of the police.
They've been taking pics of murdered bodies and sharing them for a few laughs with their pals in uniform, and discussing rape and violence similar. As well as trawling the witness lists looking for women to chat up and have sex with. Lets not conflate the size and scale of powers between someone armed on the street and someone else changing nappies and dispensing medicine on a hospital ward.
Time for NHS reform. Baroness Casey review etc. Lie detector tests and psychological tests for NHS staff. Personal mobile phones to be checked as well.
Never gonna happen. How do you lie detector 1.5m people?
Thats before you even get into the legality of phone checking. Plus how and when and how often do you check these phones.

Unfortunately your not gonna stop bad eggs getting in. Some people are just mentally unwell and/or evil.
But there does need to be more accountability from manager's when things get reported. If something gets reported and you do nothing, then charges should be brought. That might sharpen minds.
I haven't followed this case but read some articles today.

As someone whos little one spent time in the neo natal unit when born this year it really does hit home the impact this all must have had on the families of those poor babies.

To have someone that was entrusted with their care do anything less than their best to look after the babies would be shocking, but to see what this individual did goes beyond what you would expect from any human nevermind someone in that role, particularly how she sought sympathy for herself.

I'm sure all those families had was hope for their children and she ripped that hope and precious time away from those parents. Shocking. I wouldn't want to read anymore on this as its genuinely too upsetting to consider being the parent on the end of that evil. Let her rot.

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