seriously now mate, you clearly trying to wind us up by twisting the stats, a fair assessment is he has cost us say 23 points, I'm not sure were this points us in the league
23 points. Ok lets look at it realistically then and see if it is possible.
Look at the draws then... for 23 points we would need to change 10 draws into a win and a loss into a win.
So out of our 11 draws this season we had 3 nil-nil games. Since we can agree that a keep cannot give up less than 0 we can safely assume that we have 8 games available for points. Thats 8 goals then.
8 goals there but we are still short because that would only give a maximum of 16 points more on the season.
So we need another 7 points. so thats 3 more games to get there since we can agree that you cant get 7 points from 2 games, we have to have the 3rd to create a draw..
out of our 13 losses 8 of them were within 1 goal of a draw.
Math is fun.
If Howard lets in 1 goal less in 7 of those matches and we get a draw then we get to your 7 points extra points.
Total of 15 goals that Howard has directly given up right?
Our record would be 19-10-6 with a goal diff of 46-31 (Overall 4th in the league)
So for 30 points that EDD is wont to claim. We need another 7 points.
Well according to our new record we have 10 draws so following our scenario another IF Howard lets in 3 less goals thats another 6 points but we need 1 more draw to get to our 7 extra points. All of the remaining losses were 2 goals or more difference so Howard would be responsible for 2 more goals in order to create that draw.
So for 30 points.
Our record would be 22-8-5 with a goal diff 46-26 with the best total defense in the league.
Howard has cost us a total of 20 goals this season.
So the assertion means Howard is responsible of between 33% - 44% of all goals scored against us.
Seems right.