Exactly that. The problem i see with vaping and public perception to it is not through the what if but the percepton that it must be bad. The move to almost ban the whole thing is not based on any research, but fear of it. This then fuels the belief that it is such a terrible thing and creates a bad public image of it.
Except that is not the case at all. What you read in the tabloids is all propaganda paid for by tobacco industry to run the name through the dirt. Pretty much 90% of any story is assumpions/fear mongering/ bad publicity to stop people takingit up, all fueled by one main aim, to keep people smoking. Even look at the stories of exploding e cigs, very rarely do any of them contain an ecig at all. Most of them are people carrying batteries in their pockets with their money/keys yet the media portray any e cig as a bomb waiting to go off.
I am the first person to admit vaping isn't perfect. Vault me and you will see i have admitted to this in the past, and even when someone posted on here about quitting, i didn't suggest taking it up. Because there is an element of unknown about it, i agree.
But as i will always maintain on the matter, The known effects of smoking include COPD, Enthezema, Cancer, Lung diease, and many other horrible things. Considering most people's overall health improves after switching, i am happy taking my chances with vaping because even if there is a long term side effect, how much worse can it be than cancer? and if it ends up causing cancer 20 years down the line then a) i will have given up long before that point and b) at least i have saved money compared to smoking in the mean time even if the end result is the same
@The Cowboy just a quick reply to your post also. You mention that drug but drugs as a rule have side effects blatent anyway, and that was from a time when drugs were not tested like they are today. Vaping is tested and in fact tested far more harshly than anything else because they want it to be bad, they want to find something to take it off the market so it isn't a similar situation in that regard.
There is health effects to Vaping for the minoirty yes. Even i have a slight Propalayne Glycerol allergy so cannot vape that in high amounts anymore. these things exist. But then at the same time my health and overall fitness has improved since making the switch. Now i can run perfectly fine, whereas smoking i couldnt go out in winter without having a coughing fit at the temp change. No coughing, less illness, my lungs have improved much more than if i was still smoking.
If someone doesn't defend it to the death, then what is the point in standing up for anything? Either vaping is a long term medical goldmine with whatever side effects there are, or it is a genuinely great thing that can save millions of lives each year. I prefer to stand up for vaping because if there is even the smallest chance it is a life saver, is that not worth defending?