Watching it again

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You're all wrong here. I'm not on the wind-up and I can count the number of times I've reported posts over the years on one hand.

You, on the other hand, sound very immature. Read back your post with a clear head, lad.

Aye, I was wishing Barry to absolutely welly that cross.

I remember just feeling distraught at our utter lack of incision after they scored. Jags really got us out of jail. Hopefully from now we'll see more of those performances like vs Arsenal & Wolfsburg.
I know exactly what I said.... You know exactly what I said. You know you're hated on here as your sole intention is winding decent lads up and getting them banned.... You know it, I know it , and most of this forum know it... You're outed mate... People know your game... I'm not gonna spend any more time on you...... We all know what you are.
I know exactly what I said.... You know exactly what I said. You know you're hated on here as your sole intention is winding decent lads up and getting them banned.... You know it, I know it , and most of this forum know it... You're outed mate... People know your game... I'm not gonna spend any more time on you...... We all know what you are.

I'm not hated on here, by insinuating I'm hated by the majority you're spreading the very negativity you think you're trying to 'out'. If you hate a mere internet poster and mobbing him makes you laugh, with you supposedly working in the psychological health sector, then you have a serious issue, and so do your patients.

No you are wrong, he has even less pace than he had before. Having a dig? yes he should never have been given a new contract but pensioned or sold off and while I am at it never been a fan of Osman either for years now.

Clearly you support Hibbo, well that is your choice but why do you have to belittle others who do not agree?

The belittling thing is only because he has no coherent argument. For the record, I disagree with you and think Hibbert is worth a year-by-year extension, as he's a useful squad player for those cup games and covering injuries. I thought he did alright on Saturday.

I support Everton. I support whoever pulls on that precious royal blue shirt. If you choose to constantly moan, bitch, whine, call it what you will, about players, EVERTON players, then that's up to you. I prefer to SUPPORT the players and the club. If you talk sh1te, I'll tell you that your talking sh1te.

Have you never criticised an Everton player then? For if you have (and you will), we have the right to call you out for talking 'sh1te'.
I'm not hated on here, by insinuating I'm hated by the majority you're spreading the very negativity you think you're trying to 'out'. If you hate a mere internet poster and mobbing him makes you laugh, with you supposedly working in the psychological health sector, then you have a serious issue, and so do your patients.

The belittling thing is only because he has no coherent argument. For the record, I disagree with you and think Hibbert is worth a year-by-year extension, as he's a useful squad player for those cup games and covering injuries. I thought he did alright on Saturday.

Have you never criticised an Everton player then? For if you have (and you will), we have the right to call you out for talking 'sh1te'.

Ha ha honestly ? Is that all you got ? Trying to score points on me because of my occupation ? Ha ha..... You really are a messed up individual...... I pity you .... I really do. Shall I run to the mods now as you're getting personal ?

Nah, not my style... Some people would though.
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Ha ha honestly ? Is that all you got ? Trying to score points on me because of my occupation ? Ha ha..... You really are a messed up individual...... I pity you .... I really do. Shall I run to the mods now as you're getting personal ?

Nah, not my style... Some people would though.

I thought it might have jolted you into being reasonable, I genuinely am concerned if you're like this in real-life.

Anyway, let's keep on-topic as this guff must be boring to read. What's your opinion on Hibbert after re-watching the game, and why do you think Toffeelover's views deserve to be silenced?

I thought it might have jolted you into being reasonable, I genuinely am concerned if you're like this in real-life.

Anyway, let's keep on-topic as this guff must be boring to read. What's your opinion on Hibbert after re-watching the game, and why do you think Toffeelover's views deserve to be silenced?
You see, this is what you do. I can play mind games all day every day... I'm not gonna bite on your personal's what you want and what you get off on. You're outed son... You know it, I know it and a good proportion of posters on here know it. Now we could battle back and forth for hours... Believe me, I'd enjoy it....alas, I have more respect for the mods on here it seems.... I don't like to add to their workload dealing with high maintenance posters.
I blame Osman

Yeah, he's a full kit wonker on match days as well. Major fuuume!

I bet during his days as a boyhood red he was a full kit wonker, probably bought it from wool-worths... hahaha!

Also, that Larisa goal. Pathetic. He was just showing off trying to be a big boy like the rest and it just happened to go in... like hell he meant that!

Yeah, he's a full kit wonker on match days as well. Major fuuume!

I bet during his days as a boyhood red he was a full kit wonker, probably bought it from wool-worths... hahaha!

Also, that Larisa goal. Pathetic. He was just showing off trying to be a big boy like the rest and it just happened to go in... like hell he meant that!

He thoughthe was playing a back pass the absolute clown

You see, this is what you do. I can play mind games all day every day... I'm not gonna bite on your personal's what you want and what you get off on. You're outed son... You know it, I know it and a good proportion of posters on here know it. Now we could battle back and forth for hours... Believe me, I'd enjoy it....alas, I have more respect for the mods on here it seems.... I don't like to add to their workload dealing with high maintenance posters.

You're the one playing games here.

- you state I'm personally attacking you when you're doing this very thing to me.
- you again try to create the false impression that I'm known as a WUM and hated by the majority.
- you formulate this in a playground-bullying way and in the same breath state you have respect for the mods.
- you try to paint me as a poster who should be banned by naming me "high-maintenance".

Thing is I wouldn't even blame the mods for banning me, as either I utterly ignore every cynical post a small handful of you make (thereby ignoring the 'damage' yous may be doing to another poster), or I engage and risk yous making it into an issue where a mod has to step in. It's you and your ilk who are creating this "high-maintenance", all centred on me. I go away, and the problem's gone. It's not an easy one for the mods to deal with, but it's people like you who are partly the reason why I don't post for weeks or months at a time lately, so gradually I may just stop coming altogether, as frankly I don't want to spend time in a community with poisonous members influencing its tone.

What I do enjoy is analysing why things are what they are, feel free to read on:

@tommye called me "protector of the meek" in a -10 neg rep, because I jumped in to defend some lesser-known posters who were getting an unreasonable rollicking off him. He was right, I do sometimes defend people who maybe aren't regarded as 'top' posters, but I only do it if I see just cause, as in this case. It would've been fine if it was just Tommye & Toffeelover going back & forth, but he called in the clique...this meant the 'protector of the meek' had to balance the books, as it were. It's like a reverse-Sniderman for the GOT mythicists, but in reality it's just an attempt to highlight unreasoned discussion, which is what @the sniderman used to be before he got lumbered with the politics of the 81st.

I called it "anti-GOT" earlier as this place is known for its humour, mutual respect and room for many different viewpoints. If this is being constricted by mob rule, someone should point it out.

I admit perhaps my comment about your job was uncalled for, but in light of how far we've come to understanding negative psychology in the depression thread, I think you should be more aware of how you sometimes come across, considering your profession. On reflection, I should have told you this in a PN.

I don't expect similar thoughtfulness from yourself in your next reply, more's the pity.

Your not seeing what we are getting.

At 21 years old you would not have touched Costa with someone else's Barge Pole.

Remy was at Nice until he was 24ish and

Balotelli moved to City at 21 for 16m after being hounded out of Inter. Already been at 5 clubs and only 24.

I'm not that convinced Lukaku's young age automatically means he's a good investment. Players can get worse after shinining for a season or two. Andy Carroll is the supreme example: cost 35m at age 20 or 21 after a very good 15-20 goal season, never really hit those heights again. There's plenty of other examples.

But agree with your wider point, Lukaku's transfer fee was about correct for his age, ability, achievements & potential. Confirmed by this recent analysis:
You're the one playing games here.

- you state I'm personally attacking you when you're doing this very thing to me.
- you again try to create the false impression that I'm known as a WUM and hated by the majority.
- you formulate this in a playground-bullying way and in the same breath state you have respect for the mods.
- you try to paint me as a poster who should be banned by naming me "high-maintenance".

Thing is I wouldn't even blame the mods for banning me, as either I utterly ignore every cynical post a small handful of you make (thereby ignoring the 'damage' yous may be doing to another poster), or I engage and risk yous making it into an issue where a mod has to step in. It's you and your ilk who are creating this "high-maintenance", all centred on me. I go away, and the problem's gone. It's not an easy one for the mods to deal with, but it's people like you who are partly the reason why I don't post for weeks or months at a time lately, so gradually I may just stop coming altogether, as frankly I don't want to spend time in a community with poisonous members influencing its tone.

What I do enjoy is analysing why things are what they are, feel free to read on:

@tommye called me "protector of the meek" in a -10 neg rep, because I jumped in to defend some lesser-known posters who were getting an unreasonable rollicking off him. He was right, I do sometimes defend people who maybe aren't regarded as 'top' posters, but I only do it if I see just cause, as in this case. It would've been fine if it was just Tommye & Toffeelover going back & forth, but he called in the clique...this meant the 'protector of the meek' had to balance the books, as it were. It's like a reverse-Sniderman for the GOT mythicists, but in reality it's just an attempt to highlight unreasoned discussion, which is what @the sniderman used to be before he got lumbered with the politics of the 81st.

I called it "anti-GOT" earlier as this place is known for its humour, mutual respect and room for many different viewpoints. If this is being constricted by mob rule, someone should point it out.

I admit perhaps my comment about your job was uncalled for, but in light of how far we've come to understanding negative psychology in the depression thread, I think you should be more aware of how you sometimes come across, considering your profession. On reflection, I should have told you this in a PN.

I don't expect similar thoughtfulness from yourself in your next reply, more's the pity.

I'm not that convinced Lukaku's young age automatically means he's a good investment. Players can get worse after shinining for a season or two. Andy Carroll is the supreme example: cost 35m at age 20 or 21 after a very good 15-20 goal season, never really hit those heights again. There's plenty of other examples.

But agree with your wider point, Lukaku's transfer fee was about correct for his age, ability, achievements & potential. Confirmed by this recent analysis:

Cry me a river lad.... Nobody's arsed about your paragraphs of nothingness.
May I just say that it seems that more and more players are going over the wall with their freekicks?

Since that's the case, I'd cheat just a bit (or at least anticipate that's where it's going)

I think Gerrard's kick was very good though.
You're the one playing games here.

- you state I'm personally attacking you when you're doing this very thing to me.
- you again try to create the false impression that I'm known as a WUM and hated by the majority.
- you formulate this in a playground-bullying way and in the same breath state you have respect for the mods.
- you try to paint me as a poster who should be banned by naming me "high-maintenance".

Thing is I wouldn't even blame the mods for banning me, as either I utterly ignore every cynical post a small handful of you make (thereby ignoring the 'damage' yous may be doing to another poster), or I engage and risk yous making it into an issue where a mod has to step in. It's you and your ilk who are creating this "high-maintenance", all centred on me. I go away, and the problem's gone. It's not an easy one for the mods to deal with, but it's people like you who are partly the reason why I don't post for weeks or months at a time lately, so gradually I may just stop coming altogether, as frankly I don't want to spend time in a community with poisonous members influencing its tone.

What I do enjoy is analysing why things are what they are, feel free to read on:

@tommye called me "protector of the meek" in a -10 neg rep, because I jumped in to defend some lesser-known posters who were getting an unreasonable rollicking off him. He was right, I do sometimes defend people who maybe aren't regarded as 'top' posters, but I only do it if I see just cause, as in this case. It would've been fine if it was just Tommye & Toffeelover going back & forth, but he called in the clique...this meant the 'protector of the meek' had to balance the books, as it were. It's like a reverse-Sniderman for the GOT mythicists, but in reality it's just an attempt to highlight unreasoned discussion, which is what @the sniderman used to be before he got lumbered with the politics of the 81st.

I called it "anti-GOT" earlier as this place is known for its humour, mutual respect and room for many different viewpoints. If this is being constricted by mob rule, someone should point it out.

I admit perhaps my comment about your job was uncalled for, but in light of how far we've come to understanding negative psychology in the depression thread, I think you should be more aware of how you sometimes come across, considering your profession. On reflection, I should have told you this in a PN.

I don't expect similar thoughtfulness from yourself in your next reply, more's the pity.

I'm not that convinced Lukaku's young age automatically means he's a good investment. Players can get worse after shinining for a season or two. Andy Carroll is the supreme example: cost 35m at age 20 or 21 after a very good 15-20 goal season, never really hit those heights again. There's plenty of other examples.

But agree with your wider point, Lukaku's transfer fee was about correct for his age, ability, achievements & potential. Confirmed by this recent analysis:
Cry me a river lad.... Nobody's arsed about your paragraphs of nothingness.

Ok guys.

Why don't we just swerve each other for awhile. Furthermore, there is an ignore option on here. Feel free to use it.
You're the one playing games here.

- you state I'm personally attacking you when you're doing this very thing to me.
- you again try to create the false impression that I'm known as a WUM and hated by the majority.
- you formulate this in a playground-bullying way and in the same breath state you have respect for the mods.
- you try to paint me as a poster who should be banned by naming me "high-maintenance".

Thing is I wouldn't even blame the mods for banning me, as either I utterly ignore every cynical post a small handful of you make (thereby ignoring the 'damage' yous may be doing to another poster), or I engage and risk yous making it into an issue where a mod has to step in. It's you and your ilk who are creating this "high-maintenance", all centred on me. I go away, and the problem's gone. It's not an easy one for the mods to deal with, but it's people like you who are partly the reason why I don't post for weeks or months at a time lately, so gradually I may just stop coming altogether, as frankly I don't want to spend time in a community with poisonous members influencing its tone.

What I do enjoy is analysing why things are what they are, feel free to read on:

@tommye called me "protector of the meek" in a -10 neg rep, because I jumped in to defend some lesser-known posters who were getting an unreasonable rollicking off him. He was right, I do sometimes defend people who maybe aren't regarded as 'top' posters, but I only do it if I see just cause, as in this case. It would've been fine if it was just Tommye & Toffeelover going back & forth, but he called in the clique...this meant the 'protector of the meek' had to balance the books, as it were. It's like a reverse-Sniderman for the GOT mythicists, but in reality it's just an attempt to highlight unreasoned discussion, which is what @the sniderman used to be before he got lumbered with the politics of the 81st.

I called it "anti-GOT" earlier as this place is known for its humour, mutual respect and room for many different viewpoints. If this is being constricted by mob rule, someone should point it out.

I admit perhaps my comment about your job was uncalled for, but in light of how far we've come to understanding negative psychology in the depression thread, I think you should be more aware of how you sometimes come across, considering your profession. On reflection, I should have told you this in a PN.

I don't expect similar thoughtfulness from yourself in your next reply, more's the pity.
I don't think I've ever engaged you in the past tbh so to blanket me in what you describe as 'a poisonous poster... Or one of the ilk' iis a little out of order don't you think ? Anyways, appologies @txbill.... I shall retreat from this convo now.

Just one thing though ...

Protector of the meek

Is this game of thrones ? Lol

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