Transfer Rumour Wayne Rooney

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He would not impact the team. He wouldn't get in it.

He would not impact the club. We've been picking up Man United rejects for years.

He might impact our support, yes. In that he splits our fanbase between pro and anti Rooney. Fun.

And as someone said earlier, he wouldn't impact the wider publics view of us. People would stop caring about Rooney, not start caring about Everton.

I'd actually hate the club if we were to sign him, it's the one and only thing that would terminate my support of Everton, would be a very very sad day indeed
I'd actually hate the club if we were to sign him, it's the one and only thing that would terminate my support of Everton, would be a very very sad day indeed

Force through a transfer hours before the deadline, leave us bookies favourites for relegation, take our manager to court, treat the club like dirt for years, kiss the Man United badge at Goodison and goad the fans on the day Alan Ball dies, but you'll be welcomed home as the prodigal son if you decide you'll "do us a favour" now your legs have gone.

Meanwhile we have a proper Evertonian in our team, desperate to do well for Everton, one of the best talents in the country with all his best years ahead of him, and all he gets is abuse.
Fuq this absolute divvy. Let him sit on United's bench for another year on his big fat wage, then be forced to move to the States because no team in Europe will touch him. The thick get would probably get on the wrong plane. I hope he ends up in North Korea and they refuse to let him leave.
Rooney coming back has Kenwright and his luvvy sentiment written all over it for me.

We were supposed to be launching into this new era, where apparently nothing would be the same, led by billionaire extraordinaire Farhad Moshiri who we were told would be a big game changer.

I am sure under such a dynamic leader, our scouting network should be stretching beyond the end of the M62 and former players in the twilight of their careers, just because they are not good enough to play at the top level as consistently anymore and have been overtaken by younger and hungrier players at their current club.

Wonder if anyone has ever followed through on any threat that has ever been made like this? Ever?
I probably say "no more, F U Everton, that's it I've had enough etc" at least 2 or 3 times a season for years now. But I still keep on going back for more, getting my grubby little credit card out to get my grubby little discount and keep my grubby little plastic seat that my grubby big arse has sat on for the last 10 years or so.

it's called supporting Everton.:)

31 year old Manchester United captain who after coming through our academy has won almost every club level honour you can think of.
Second only to Alan Shearer with regard to scoring goals in the premier league.

Yes, I think he still has plenty to offer. Yes, I'd love to see him back.

Also I love anticipating the sickness of United fans if Rooney came home and became the player he used to be again.... would just underline how much he really doesn't give a toss about playing for that club anymore.
31 year old Manchester United captain who after coming through our academy has won almost every club level honour you can think of.
Second only to Alan Shearer with regard to scoring goals in the premier league.

Yes, I think he still has plenty to offer. Yes, I'd love to see him back.

Also I love anticipating the sickness of United fans if Rooney came home and became the player he used to be again.... would just underline how much he really doesn't give a toss about playing for that club anymore.

31 year old Manchester United captain who after coming through our academy has won almost every club level honour you can think of.
I take absolutely zero pride in our academy producing players to win trophies for Manchester United.

Second only to Alan Shearer with regard to scoring goals in the premier league
Because of longevity. He's played in this league every week for 15 years, meaning in football terms he is more like a 36 year old than a 31 year old. Hasn't been a consistent goalscorer for a few years now and by his own admission no longer has the legs to play as a centre forward.

Also I love anticipating the sickness of United fans if Rooney came home and became the player he used to be again
How is transferring to Everton going to bring his pace back? He would continue to underperform and we would have the same problems accomodating him in our team as United/England do. Man United fans are absolutely not going to be "sick" at stealing our most talented ever academy graduate at 18 years old, winning the lot with him, and spitting him back out to us at 31 when his legs have gone. Don't be daft.
Imagine the fume on here if we had social media 30odd years ago.
Howard Kendall buying two reserves from Liverpool, both kopites, and a crock from Bolton, another kopite.
What were their names again? oh yeah, Kevin Sheedy and Alan Harper, and Peter Reid. Didnt turn out to badly did they?
What Im trying to say is, if, and its a big if, Rooney does come back to us, give the manager and him a chance. They are paid to make decisions and lets hope it for the better.
Force through a transfer hours before the deadline, leave us bookies favourites for relegation, take our manager to court, treat the club like dirt for years, kiss the Man United badge at Goodison and goad the fans on the day Alan Ball dies, but you'll be welcomed home as the prodigal son if you decide you'll "do us a favour" now your legs have gone.

Meanwhile we have a proper Evertonian in our team, desperate to do well for Everton, one of the best talents in the country with all his best years ahead of him, and all he gets is abuse.

Love the way people remember every last detail but kind of forget the fact he was a teenager who at the time after he left was getting abuse 10 times worse than anything Barkley has heard, don't blame him one bit for giving it back to the ones giving him dogs during that game, likely the exact same ones who are giving Barkley shedloads every game whilst he is still one of ours.
31 year old Manchester United captain who after coming through our academy has won almost every club level honour you can think of.
I take absolutely zero pride in our academy producing players to win trophies for Manchester United.

Second only to Alan Shearer with regard to scoring goals in the premier league
Because of longevity. He's played in this league every week for 15 years, meaning in football terms he is more like a 36 year old than a 31 year old. Hasn't been a consistent goalscorer for a few years now and by his own admission no longer has the legs to play as a centre forward.

Also I love anticipating the sickness of United fans if Rooney came home and became the player he used to be again
How is transferring to Everton going to bring his pace back? He would continue to underperform and we would have the same problems accomodating him in our team as United/England do. Man United fans are absolutely not going to be "sick" at stealing our most talented ever academy graduate at 18 years old, winning the lot with him, and spitting him back out to us at 31 when his legs have gone. Don't be daft.

I take absolutely zero pride in our academy producing players to win trophies for Manchester United.
Ah, who was saying that they take pride in an academy player of ours winning trophies for united? I was pointing out a fact. But it's OK, you can score some points by implying that I cracked a smile and shed a tear every time he slotted for United.

Because of longevity. He's played in this league every week for 15 years, meaning in football terms he is more like a 36 year old than a 31 year old. Hasn't been a consistent goalscorer for a few years now and by his own admission no longer has the legs to play as a centre forward.

And Shearer retired at the age of 36 after playing week in, week out in the league for just under 19 years... which by your logic would make Shearer more like a 43 old than a 36 year old when he hung up his boots. I know what you're getting at here and it's something commonly said among pundits but in reality - that's just speculation. Do you have a source for when Rooney said he no longer had the legs to play centre forward?

How is transferring to Everton going to bring his pace back? He would continue to underperform and we would have the same problems accomodating him in our team as United/England do. Man United fans are absolutely not going to be "sick" at stealing our most talented ever academy graduate at 18 years old, winning the lot with him, and spitting him back out to us at 31 when his legs have gone. Don't be daft.

Again, you're putting words in my mouth here mate. I said nothing about moving back to Everton making him faster - it's very easy to argue any topic if you're going to build straw men all over the place. When I said "the player he used to be", I mean exactly what has been said multiple times already in this thread - I feel that coming back to Everton would reinvigorate him and a driven player is a very different prospect to one that seems jaded. Yes, if Rooney came back and was utter crap, United fans would hardly miss him... but I'm working under the assumption that he would be a great player for us again (which is how I think he would do, I know you disagree but you don't have a monopoly on facts especially things that haven't happened yet) - you are working under the assumption that he would be worse than crap. So of course if you assume your outcome is the way it will be exactly - then you're right, united fans wouldn't be 'sick'. The point is moot though - unless you're saying that if he came back and was a success that united fans wouldn't care, that would be an argument against what I said.

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