What you fail to grasp is they don't intergrate into our modern educated society. They live in separate pockets of their home countries, only mixing with eachother and allowing the form of ideology to grow amongst eachother. Major mosques in Britain have been caught out preaching hate to thousands. I'm not saying they'll all take it literally and start blowing us up, but some will and it snowballs. If we ever met Im sure youd be thrilled for me to take you around certain areas and youll see exactly what Im talking about.
Nik the type of pocket immigrant communities you hate so much - is an exact replica of the type of Irish community I grew up in in the UK.
In the late 70s/early 80s I grew up in a wholly self sufficient Irish sub-culture. The English primary school I went to was 90% Irish first and second generation kids. I remember it well how the real English kids stood out. Away from school it was church, church social club and the Gaelic sports centre - oh and intermixed with trips to our various cousins and family friends that all lived within a mile of us. Tell me would that idea offend you?
I suggest that type of homogenisation amongst immigrants is absolutely standard for any first and second generation immigrant group. If the local community is receptive - then they assimilate.
Ultimately though all your scaremongering falls flat on the idea that somehow the great body of public opinion is somehow going to accept any encroachment into their day to day lives from hard line sharia law. It just won't happen.
For someone that claims to be educated you seem to have a blind spot over the last 1,000 years of democratic evolution in England and most other European countries. It is a fundamental element to our psyche and being. We will not give up our freedoms. Where is your evidence to suggest all of a sudden that we will? And please don't bring up some pathetic tinkering around the edges.
So ultimately I do think that scaremongers like you actually make the situation far worse.
You claim not to be affiliated to any political group yet your sound bites and arguments are almost identical as the EDL. Why is that?
As an aside I do not think sharia law in certain Asian countries will last beyond a single generation. I don't think any educated grouping will accept such a hard line dictatorship for very long.
Ultimately through education and community engagement we can hopefully evolve in a constructive manner. So the sooner that the police take a much harder line with those that preach hate - on both sides- the better.