Welcome back Wayne
haha I genuinely thought you were taking the piss until I read it
That's a disgraceful view from a national newspaper........
haha I genuinely thought you were taking the piss until I read it
haha I genuinely thought you were taking the piss until I read it
That's a disgraceful view from a national newspaper........
It's a complicated position, but I can't deny I'm familiar with the rationale behind it. And I think the stance actually says a lot about how mixed race relationships have a dominant/submissive aspects that we as a society just can't deny anymore.
Spot on there
haha I genuinely thought you were taking the piss until I read it
I see the sacked dinner lady story takes another twist......
The parents of the child have decided to leave the UK...
"Mrs Darr, 33, wrote on her Facebook page: ‘So we’re leaving the country end of August for good … We’re moving to Sharjah. We want to go relax in a nice hot Muslim country where the kids know their identities as Muslims.’
The move comes after Mr Darr’s recruitment firm was closed down in June when he was found to be working as a company director illegally.
Following an investigation by the Insolvency Service, he was banned from holding company directorships after he was caught pocketing over £500,000 owed in tax in 2008.
His firm Interecruit (UK) went into liquidation after Mr Darr, 36, ‘diverted’ money owed to the taxman in VAT, income tax and national insurance to another of his companies.
The nine-year ban was imposed in February 2011 but in May this year he was found to be operating a similar company named Interecruit (GB), which supplied agricultural workers.
As well as working as a director when disqualified, Mr Darr was not paying staff the minimum wage and failing to provide holiday pay. He had his gangmaster’s licence revoked by the licensing authority."
Sounds more like animal sex to me.........
Woah there, let's not drop it to that level ffs
Sorry if I'm not making my point clear here.
IF she was wronged then I support her case for appropriate compensation 100%. IF it was as trivial as that which you describe she'd appear to have a rock solid case.
Her employer went through a process to decide if the sacking was fair. They believed it was. She has a full right of appeal and now has a legion of supporters to fund it. Once all the evidence is out there she can have her say. IF it is as straightforward as you suggest it'll last two hours and she can walk down the steps of the tribunal arm in arm with Farage and Jim Davidson. She'll be a hero.
Why wouldn't she challenge the sacking if it was so simple? That's my scepticism.
Asked and answered already mate. I pointed out two possible barriers off the top of my head;
The first, length of service, is not a problem if her quoted eleven years as an dinner lady meets the minimum period of UNBROKEN employment with the employer who sacked her. Let's assume it does, and she isn't in a position where, for instance, she has been a dinner lady employed directly by the school for ten years, but eleven months ago the operation was contracted out to a catering company who took her and the other existing staff on - in that hypothetical position she would nOT qualify for employment rights.
The second is the minimum contracted hours barrier. If she works below a set number of hours per year - sadly I cannot remember the figure - then she would still not qualify, regardless of length of service.
As someone else pointed out, it is the height of hypocrisy that someone who claims to be a labour voter is simply not bothered about the vulnerable position this woman may be in by merit of the low-hours nature of her job. In fact, I think you are WUMming with a vengeance here.
When it comes to the blind defence of anyone following a certain religion, people's values seem to go out of the window.
Except no ones defending any religion are they, you just like to think they are so you can get a dig in.
The sacking of a white British women by a British company is the issue here. Employment rights (or lack of) are the issue here.
The fact Islam is a religion therefor bull**** means its ****ing pointless arguing about the rights and wrongs of not eating pork, thats a minor detail in all this, excpet to someone who is obessed.
I'm surprised you haven't been criticising LunchtimeUK more, they're the ones afraid of upsetting Muslims, you should be angry with them. Maybe mention them in other threads every chance you get.
Asked and answered already mate. I pointed out two possible barriers off the top of my head;
The first, length of service, is not a problem if her quoted eleven years as an dinner lady meets the minimum period of UNBROKEN employment with the employer who sacked her. Let's assume it does, and she isn't in a position where, for instance, she has been a dinner lady employed directly by the school for ten years, but eleven months ago the operation was contracted out to a catering company who took her and the other existing staff on - in that hypothetical position she would nOT qualify for employment rights.
The second is the minimum contracted hours barrier. If she works below a set number of hours per year - sadly I cannot remember the figure - then she would still not qualify, regardless of length of service.
As someone else pointed out, it is the height of hypocrisy that someone who claims to be a labour voter is simply not bothered about the vulnerable position this woman may be in by merit of the low-hours nature of her job. In fact, I think you are WUMming with a vengeance here.