I agree, this is one I just want done and announced so I can then chill and relax!Please can just make a bid, do something.
I think we need more information mate. What are her hobbies? Will she get annoyed at me for going out with the lads or is she pretty relaxed about that type of stuff?She's off and on, sometimes she's an excellent cook and an absolute worldie, other days she's can't even make toast and is an absolute mess. But she's young and got years to learn.
Please can just make a bid, do something.
Mate this analogy only goes so far.I think we need more information mate. What are her hobbies? Will she get annoyed at me for going out with the lads or is she pretty relaxed about that type of stuff?
Yes, exactly.Mate this analogy only goes so far.
Please can just make a bid, do something.
There is really nothing to suggest we haven't. In fact, the latest quotes from Rom would suggest an offer is on the table as he said he has to make a decision and talking to us is an option (am I right on that?).
Granted he is prone to self grandeur and probably thinks it's completely up to him which clubs he talks to but unless we have an offer accepted talking to us is actually not an option as we'd surely be guilty of 'tapping up' then wouldn't we?
Not necessarily suggesting we've made an offer and it's been accepted but I think it's quite obvious we've made contact with representatives of himself and Chelsea. We've not sat and done nothing.
But then we have contradictory statements said to have been made by him that he wants to join a big club and play in the CL so what does one believe?
We are a big club and are not a million miles away from the champions league.
He's definitely started believing his own hype that's for sure. I think if he's got his head screwed on he will see we are the best place for him. It's that simple really. Manager and fans love him, he's improved as a player here, guaranteed starting place, European football and we've just had our best points tally in the league while playing fantastic football. He wouldn't get those things anywhere else. He needs to remember he's 21 and isn't the "complete striker" as he put it. Not yet.When he signs (because I do think he will haha) he'll say he sees us getting it this year and that's why he chose us. I'm not even a huge fan of his, take it or leave it transfer for me but I'll be happy enough if we sign him. The lads got an answer for everything, lives being on TV.
We have made a bid.Please can just make a bid, do something.