Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really understand me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....

EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.
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Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really know me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....
We all face crisis. The time of year doesn't help (at least in the UK), we see less light, we feel more cold, the gradual crawl through winter and its bleakness is rarely any fun. There is something called SADS which is 'seasonal affective disorder syndrome', need some natural light and some fresh air. I acknowledge trekking across the countryside either 10 feet underwater or 6 inches under snow recently is unpalatable.
Besides the Flagellants type circus that is Everton, do you have any hobbies? Do any keep fit? Have any interests?

You can only get on terms with where you are, with what you are facing. You can't live by other peoples standards (or lack of). If you want a change, pursue a change. If like a few others you are subjecting yourself to hour after hour of bad news on tv/press/social media, it might be time to call that stuff a day. Eventually it'll crush you with the endless avalanche of misery and pain that is out there.

Go for a weekly swim, walk a few miles outdoors, lay off the booze, try and keep your sleeping routine regular and get some rest. Spring is round the corner, the shortest day is now less than a month away. Bit of Christmas, bit of turkey, some TV and a few laughs.

Could be worse and all that bunk, could be turning out at Goodison for Everton with our fixture list and a support that is weary and tired. :)
We all face crisis. The time of year doesn't help (at least in the UK), we see less light, we feel more cold, the gradual crawl through winter and its bleakness is rarely any fun. There is something called SADS which is 'seasonal affective disorder syndrome', need some natural light and some fresh air. I acknowledge trekking across the countryside either 10 feet underwater or 6 inches under snow recently is unpalatable.
Besides the Flagellants type circus that is Everton, do you have any hobbies? Do any keep fit? Have any interests?

You can only get on terms with where you are, with what you are facing. You can't live by other peoples standards (or lack of). If you want a change, pursue a change. If like a few others you are subjecting yourself to hour after hour of bad news on tv/press/social media, it might be time to call that stuff a day. Eventually it'll crush you with the endless avalanche of misery and pain that is out there.

Go for a weekly swim, walk a few miles outdoors, lay off the booze, try and keep your sleeping routine regular and get some rest. Spring is round the corner, the shortest day is now less than a month away. Bit of Christmas, bit of turkey, some TV and a few laughs.

Could be worse and all that bunk, could be turning out at Goodison for Everton with our fixture list and a support that is weary and tired. :)
I cycle a fair bit, both on and off road. It's a solitary endeavour but i love it.
The thing is I can see a way out of this but for some reason I just don't have the balls (for lack of a better term) to stand up and be a man, to stand up and change things. I always say, next week i'll do this, that and the other and when next week comes I sink back into my bad habits. Ultimately it comes come down to me, I have one life and i have to live it, so why wallow

It is cathartic to rant on here. And regarding Everton, even at their worst I love them, even if just for introducing me to GOT. I don't comment all that much anymore but this site is genuinely brilliant.
EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.
You can break the monotony of the desk. There's nothing wrong with shouting up you're feeling a bit lost, in fact there's an awful lot right with it, suffering in silence only leads to dread. Cinema, comedy, art, (other) sports, there's a world of all sorts to have a look at and show an interest in. Something that pays off and gives you a boost must be out there. You've mentioned the dating scene and not been overly positive about it, there's no easy answers with love, and sometimes it takes a long time to heal a broken heart. Your 20's are for having fun, lighten up a little and be a bit easier on yourself.
I cycle a fair bit, both on and off road. It's a solitary endeavour but i love it.
The thing is I can see a way out of this but for some reason I just don't have the balls (for lack of a better term) to stand up and be a man, to stand up and change things. I always say, next week i'll do this, that and the other and when next week comes I sink back into my bad habits. Ultimately it comes come down to me, I have one life and i have to live it, so why wallow

It is cathartic to rant on here. And regarding Everton, even at their worst I love them, even if just for introducing me to GOT. I don't comment all that much anymore but this site is genuinely brilliant.
This board has a few keen cyclists, and if you've the nerve for off road biking, then you're made of sterner stuff than you know. Facing a bit of doubt, taking the bull by the horns and being susceptible to a few knocks along the way, nothing worth doing is easy or given to you. Talent without hard work is wasted.
Wallowing fixes nothing, so long as you don't let it fester, it's a part of grieving in some cases. You can move past it, there are no guarantees you end up with something better, just maybe different, maybe less of a bore or a chore?

Everyone feels a bit crap in winter, it's why there's Christmas parties and works do's and all that caper, with drinks and a few laughs and getting through it.
Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really understand me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....

EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.
Far too long males have kept quiet. If this is where you get help.all.the better. I've spoken on here about my issues and people on here are awesome. Stay positive and we'll help you get through this. There's plenty of support out there with crisis lines, and support through NHS if you keep asking for help with the Docs. I had to go private as the NHS didn't touch my issues, pricey but some great Psychotherapists out there.


Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really understand me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....

EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.
Don’t demean yourself by comparing your issues with others Mate, your problem are significant and so are others. One thing therapy has taught me is to respect myself - and all the issues you or I may have. You’re ONLY 26, you’re a baby - the entire vibe from your post is you’re comparing yourself to someone or some expectation you’ve been exposed to? Whether you or someone you’ve encountered.

Life is very very hard, it’s become even more hard this past few years, if there is one little thing nobody ca take away from you it’s our ability to be kind to yourself, you’ll know your skills and strengths, and what you enjoy - you may be joking or whatever but walking is cost free and health proven to contribute to your mental welfare- maybe take your own advice there.

Good luck, friend.
Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really understand me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....

EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.
Hello, probably most of us older ones on here have been where you are and know how you feel. When it's dark and miserable it's easy to slip into melancholy. Don't feel guilty about reaching out to this forum, it's good that you did. Like a previous poster, I recommend a bit of exercise, laying off the booze and seeing if you can get a bit of socialising in, even if it means visiting your parents or siblings. Your feelings will pass eventually.

See if you can work on your self-esteem with a counsellor or something. I wish I had done in my 20s. Even if you might not need therapy, a bit of coaching or advice can be helpful.
Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really understand me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....

EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.
First thing I'll say without knowing you is the same thing I'll say to anyone who's feeling the same as you are now, and it's from my own experience.. if you have it then bin social media, complete detox, I did it a few years ago the whole lot was knocked on the head, within a few days I was much happier it really is that quick, it's not easy at the start but once you are 2 or 3 days in you wont look back..
Nobody is on social media regularly posting the crap in their lives you just get a small snapshot of the good times from people.
I got rid of mine I think around 2016 and it's one of the best decisions I ever made.
Hello Everybody

I've not posted here for a little while. For whatever reason i'm in a funk. I have no motivation any more, i'm coasting at work, i've checked out of the dating scene.

I've always been prone to melancholy but it's worse these last few months. Frankly i'm a little embarrassed that i can only open up to this forum, but that's the way it is.
I'm 26, i should be in the prime of my life but here i am, spending all day inside my own head, it's not what normal people do. But i'm doing it,
I don't know, i feel like i just don't fit in with the world, plenty of people know me, lots of them like me, but i feel like none of them really understand me. I float through life without making a significant impact on anybody.

but Christ, so many people have real problems yet here i am....

EDIT: and here I am checking this for likes or responses, as if my issues are so important that everybody has to care. I have a terrible combination of a zero self esteem but a huge ego. I'll go for a nice walk in the country tomorrow but god i don't want to sit at a desk anymore.

if you want to chat mate
i’m all ears
give a PM

;) it’s good to talk x


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