Atmosphere at Goodison

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As mentioned a few times on here it's all about standing and getting like minded fans together. There was a vid on here of around 20 fans singing that Bobby brown shoes babe song. All you need is for that same 20, or equivalent, to stand up together at the match in a block. Everyone will follow as long as they're not in a bad place (eg don't do it in Top Balc etc).

We tried to do that the other year and when we got the numbers, it was great, so we have proved that it works providing you get enough people to make an effort.

We did have problems but that's how you learn how things work, and it was nothing that couldn't have been solved.

First off we had fans cryarsing when someone sung a song they didn't like, seriously! We were smashed off our faces when we done them, and then the next day you'd get some tit complaining that one song was sung out of 30 odd was one he didn't like.

Another problem, we had to call it something. Take the middle of the Street End in the 60s/70s/80s when you had the likes of Fred Armstrong or later on your Wurzel starting off the songs. All the 1000+ or so skins then scals could congregate, they have the obstacle now though of reserved seating, so that got strong singing element got lost over time. The culture is not lost though, look at the concourses or the group of lads at Stevenage away, it's still there. We just need them together, that's what we tried to do.

What do you call that though to get the word across? We called it a standing area, but we were inviting pressure over encouraging standing. So we called it a singing section hoping everyone would be clued up enough to get what we meant, but it went over a lot of peoples heads. So you got the plassy scousers who are always a step behind saying things like that's smalltime, where's your trumpet. They completely did not get it. There was a time when Evertonians were fully clued up.

Anyway, other problems. There was only a couple of us doing it, I'm more of the 80s and 90s generation so a lot of the lads I go with go take their kids or are basicly just past their youth! So often there was only 2 of us trying to set it off, which simply was not enough. You need a large group of lads to set the tone and to take influence now and then to get it going, but not to dominate you still want others to be able start songs off.

So you go back to those vids of fans outside the ground. Organise your ticket buying, and do that in the ground. There's an empty block of seats at the back of GT8 for example, get on the ale, go at the back have a laugh. It just needs a good group of switched on lads to initiate it
The sad thing is there are so many games we have managed to turn it around, solely because of the crowd. Normally it takes us going behind or a bad referring decision, to get the crowd fired up. But believe me when goodison is rocking there are not many more intimidating grounds for away teams to play at.

Lovely, just decided I'm coming over the Irish sea for the the West Ham game as well as United. So that will be two games yas don't have to worry about because any match i come over for there is incident and/or great results. regarding my United experience, seen the The Fellaini draw, the gosling and rodwell 3-1, and the Duncan Ferguson 1 nil, ten years to the day he first scored the winner v United. And to regard once more on that game and atmosphere, wasn that special or am I just an easily pleased overseas man?

''your faaaaaaaaaat and you slap your bird''
German Bundesliga games are a prime example, and I went one last year. The singing section of the fans sing and jump none stop throughout the entire game, even when 2 - 0 down at home to their local rivals.

To me it seemed a bit stupid tbh, it was like they didn't really care about the game and were just arsed about jumping
up and down.
standing sections will never happen aslong as the FA are determined to turn English football in particularly the PL into a middle class sport, fans cant fart now without being branded hooligans and ejected out the stadium. Atmosphere's are crap.
The same people complaining are the same people who sit/stand in silence. Start songs off or are you scared in case no one joins in? I was singing on my own in the lower g and nobody around me joined in, it was like I was completely ignored. I finished the song and never started one since.

We don't need a singing section or a standing section, the whole of the Stand need to sing when the lads at the back get it going and it shouldn't taper off half way through.

It used to be boss in the Gwladys, it's just like the other stands now.

The same people complaining are the same people who sit/stand in silence. Start songs off or are you scared in case no one joins in? I was singing on my own in the lower g and nobody around me joined in, it was like I was completely ignored. I finished the song and never started one since.

We don't need a singing section or a standing section, the whole of the Stand need to sing when the lads at the back get it going and it shouldn't taper off half way through.

It used to be boss in the Gwladys, it's just like the other stands now.

I used to think that and then I sat in the Main Stand for the Chelsea semi final a few years back. Never again.
The same people complaining are the same people who sit/stand in silence. Start songs off or are you scared in case no one joins in? I was singing on my own in the lower g and nobody around me joined in, it was like I was completely ignored. I finished the song and never started one since.

We don't need a singing section or a standing section, the whole of the Stand need to sing when the lads at the back get it going and it shouldn't taper off half way through.

It used to be boss in the Gwladys, it's just like the other stands now.

When you started that song off there may have been some lads 10 rows away, some 12 seats away, some a few blocks away who would have joined in but altogether were all too far away, while in between you may have got a few familes. If they were all together by you then you would have had a better response. That's the problem. A standing area allows everyone to get closer.
I have said for years that the goodison crowd most weeks are crap. The amount of games, certainly cup games against lower league teams where you hear 2-0 and you still don't sing is unbelieveable. It is almost like the passion just vanishes once people get their backsides into their seats unless it is a team to really get at so to speak.

And the other thing that bugs me, and noone else seems to ever pick up on is grand old team. Nobody ever finishes it! The crowd go as far as 'and if you know your history' and then trail off everytime. what's all that about? Can't we be arsed to sing it nowdays?

The problem has been around for yeard and probably wont change unless they start charging a lot less for the chang at the bar to encourage people to get into the mood more.

Theres your solution.

I have noticed this and it does my head in, why start singing it in the first place if we're only going to sing half of it if that? Sounds stupid.

I normally sing the rest of it on my own and look stupid but oh well.
The last proper loud game I was at was the drubbing by Arsenal on the first game of the season the year that Rooney left

God that was ages ago, Fabregas was only 17 I think and scored against us the mutt
What i dont understand is why we as a set of fans dont want and try to make more of a atmosphere, a positive vocal support backing the team can only be a good thing?

That "we only sing when were winning" is as cringeworthy

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