Perez said 2 - 3 years last night
I know people want to view the 12 as a unified block of evil, but I've always felt it's a bit more complex.
What I will say though is Perez, and to a degree Laporta and Agnelli are balls deep in this. I don't think they want this stopped at all. I would say the English teams are a bit of a mix. At the moment they will be desperate to keep their distance from it, but some could at some point be tempted back. I don't think Chelsea/City would touch it with a barge pole.
Whats clear though, is for the time being, they just want to keep their heads down, ride it out, take their TV and CL money and let it pass. Perez is making that very very difficult for them. You really would want him to shut up, and allow you to show some contrition, and make out it was like a bit of a mistake you'd harsly thought of. Him pointing out it's 170 page document and been going on for 3 years just doesn't do that.
Their best hope is really to play on a mixture of the naivety of the league and the short termism (which you've articulated very well). Howeve there will be a tipping point for all involved. If they get a sense this could all be repeated again in the next 5 years, at some point teams are going to start to shift and feel punishment is probably the only option.
This will sound odd, but most wars start by accident. Rarely do people sit down and think to start a war, a culmination of things happen. This wont be a war, but I see there's plenty left to run with this.
If you're any of those 6 clubs, you do not want Laporta and particularly Perez shouting his mouth off like he is.