Absolutely this. 12 men walked on the moon. 62 astronauts flew in the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo programs. Countless thousands more were involved in building multiple rockets, service modules, lunar landers, computer systems etc. The simple reason it's never been attempted since is cost. The only reason it happened in the first place was the Cold War, the Soviets had beaten the US to almost every other space record (first satellite, first animals in space, first man in space, first woman in space, first space walk) and the fear was that the Zond rockets were capable of taking two cosmonauts to the moon first.
I should also add I've read the memoirs of moonwalkers Buzz Aldrin, John Young, Gene Cernan and Neil Armstrong. There's so much literature, photo evidence, film footage etc that can be accessed by anybody, it's risible to think it was faked.