Sorry for the delayed response guys. I went a couple of weeks ago to a counsellor and I got on well with her and was pleasantly surprised as she seemed to understand how everything was feeling inside my head. She was sympathising with the turmoil I must be feeling etc and it was nice to hear instead of "oh you'll be fine". It was a positive meeting as she said that everything I am feeling is fixable with some hard work and that there is nothing wrong with me. A lot of what came up seemed to be other people having issues with things and me getting worked up about it. I suppose it's about changing the way I think and I have been trying to tell myself "it's their issue, not yours" since the meeting. But it is hard. I have another meeting with her tomorrow which I am nervous about again.
Feeling very stressed out at the moment with this whole going on holiday with his family thing. Everything is all planned and it feels all pressurised and like I'll have to three weeks following them around. It's hard to explain what they're like. Let's just say my boyfriend, although he loves them dearly and they're generally nice people, is made up to be living over here on the wirral, away from them. For his whole like he's felt judged and under pressure by them and now I realise what it must be like in his head! Over the past six months, I have gone downhill and I'm now attributing it to them and these two holidays I've had to go on with them. I will never go on holiday with them again! I don't want to be with these people. They're not my kind of people! They're very sociable and pretentious and happy happy happy... And competitive and opinionated... and I just feel on edge all the time! I don't feel like I'm making any sense. I'm just in a low place. I can't wait to return from holiday! Sounds awful. It will probably be fine, but I'd just rather not go, with them.