As I said yesterday I'm in a bad mental state, despite all the working out and stuff - being jobless for the last 3 months despite actively looking really knocks the air out of me, and I had to ask my folks for money, which was something I'd not done in about 3 years (have a loan to pay back obviously, and used to have a job somehow).
In that time a mate of mine came over and we moved house and it hasn't really gone as swimmingly, but that's to be expected I guess. But straight to the point - I just need somewhere to vent and the person who I love (and ache for because we won't be together for a long time, but that's a story for another time) isn't here for me now as her friends threw her a surprise party, and I don't want to put a dampener on that like... Thing I wanted to write about is going to sound really stupid to many, but I need to vent/share.
I have a dog, as a lot of you here know. As stupid as it sounds, my dog is like my kid. It makes me unbelievably sad that I have to leave him at the care of my grandparents at my house back home, and I'm at my happiest and relaxed when I go back and can just go out to the yard and pet or play with him, go out for a walk for a few hours with him just going anywhere, not really any target or place to reach or anything. For the last few months (since his birthday in February, for which I was back home so he got loads of treats hah) he's been on-again-off-again sick, like really badly. I took him to the vet, we sorted him out with some injections and stuff like that, turned out he had a serious case of the flu basically and he was fine...
Thing is, that's back with a vengeance - he no longer wants to eat or go for walks or do anything, barely even gets excited, and it seems he might be on his way to the great green fields in the sky, even though I dread the thought, because he even started dragging his legs when walking... I feel gutted, to say the least, to not even be there or close to him when he needs me and might... go. Feel like absolute crap for it.
Rant over, sorry to take it away from the more serious topic earlier, but needed to share.