Haha sorry about my writing it can be a little cryptic at times
1. Basically my trauma is a debilitating depression with elements of obsessive traits which has begun to affect my cognition and clarity of thoughts, even manifesting in physical pain. Cannot spend one day without agonizing over the past.
2.My days are filled with endless ruminations on the perceived futility of my life, i try to occupy it with a basic part time job and take frequent strolls. II even attempt to read and study for GRES - I don't know if you guys have them in England but they're a test for masters levels classes. But with my mind being so chaotic it becomes challenging to engage my mind so i'll end up vegging out a lot
3. Where i'm currently residing the area is a very rural former coal town where the locals are not limited in their tastes. Also i'm just finding difficult to find people i find interesting in general and when I do i feel inadequate.
4. For me it's a connection to ian curtis and his bleak outlook especially with the actions he committed. Also just the atmosphere they create seems to align where i feel currently. Another reason i'm so enamored by ian curtis is that he experienced seizures which for the last couple of months i've been dealing with them as well.
5. Thanks for your willingness to listen it's quite meaningful
The first thing that stands out for me from your words is that you have self esteem issues. Whether they are physical mental or a combination of the two, that seems to be a massive hang up you have. You seem to dwell far too much on this and as a result, you convince yourself you have less worth . I get thst impression from you saying about meeting someone else and through other interactions. The best thing I can offer towards that is to stop dwelling on you. If you perceive yourself negatively then you will always come off as that. without knowing you, I know that won't be the case. You strike me as quirky, different to others, that is why you feel you struggle to find friendships easy. The issue being in that one location will make that difficult, it isn't an issue. To be perfectly honest mate , people seem to have an issue with me sometimes. I am the nicest guy you could meet to be honest, yet sometimes people just choose to have a bad impression of me. The world is a big place and just because people around you now are not your type it doesn't mean it is a negative on you personally. I mean my friends are massive stoners, I am a family man. Yet all these years later those are the people that stayed close to me when 'more my type' didn't bother to keep in touch.
The Ian Curtis thing I will be blunt in what I say. You are idolising the negatives in someone just because they are famous. It happens, far more than people realise. What you feel and what goes through your head is resonating with that music and as a result deep down you are interpreting the bad as something good, and finding comfort in that. To be blunt, you need to stop doing that because it won't end up positively whatsoever. The more you dwell negatively the more it will overwhelm you, and listening to what you are perceiving to relate to you it will only deepen the issue. What other music do you like?
To me from what it sounds a little like you have developed a little bit of ocd which again is perfectly natural. Either that or touching on autism but that is probably wide of the mark to be honest. Either way these obsessive traits to me sound like you are focusing on certain things to focus your mind. Does that sound anywhere near possible? what sorts of things do you obsess over? how do you mean physical pain? and where you say you agonise over the past , what do you mean by that?
From what you say about trying to take your mind off it through reading and walking. The impression I get is that you are purposely doing that and as a result you are focusing on the reasons why you are doing that. In terms of your mind being chaotic, again if you don't mind me asking, what do you think about so much? rather than keep them in your head, what sorts of things is it that is such a weight inside of you? perhaps even explaining them to me might help to at least out pour them? I can possibly offer opinion then from that.
As I will always say mate, I type from my head so none of what I write is designed to be intrusive or rude or offensive. right now I am genuinely interested and would like to help, and more importantly listen. Again if you don't mind me asking , what asking re your interests? what sort of things do you like? types of music ? leisurely activities?
And I will offer this on a personal level to you , as well as anyone else. feel free to pm me if you ever want someone to chat with. Genuinely happy to do thst, away from public viewing or away from avatars and usernames, if you ever want to chat with someone just on a person to person basis then feel free to message me any time and unless it's in the.idle of the night here, you will always get a response.