Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Feel same as you mate. Thing is with me, I always analise too much and always looking for an answer. Then to the other extreme, bury my head in the sand.

Had a good session tonight. My issues down to 'grieving' over the split from my partner, and that I try and over analise everything. Got another session in three weeks. Feeling good.

Just remembered the reason I came in here !

I can't remember who it was, but the other day, I read an obituary of some famous'ish person who always said they lived life by a fairly standard motto. I can't find the article, but the motto was effectively saying "Don't worry about what you can't control".

Essentially there is stuff in life which just happens, and, however much we'd like to, we can't change it, but we have to recognise that fact and come to terms with the fact that the world, and our part in it isn't perfect.

You just need to find a way of putting that into practice, which is where talking to a professional will help.

Had a good session tonight. My issues down to 'grieving' over the split from my partner, and that I try and over analise everything. Got another session in three weeks. Feeling good.
I'm feeling exactly the same mate. My wife of 15 years told me she wanted to end the marriage 18 months ago. I've stayed in the house 'trying to win her back' and for the sake of the kids. I've finally come to the realisation that's it's over and have had an offer accepted on a house this week. I too am going through the 'grieving process' I still love her, but she said we have drifted apart. I have suspicions that deep down she has fallen for someone else. She has broken my heart, but more importantly I'll never forgive her for the upset she is going to put the kids through, as they adore me and she said they couldn't have a better dad. It all seems so senseless to me. I have lost countless sleep trying to analyse were it went wrong and more importantly the effect on my kids. Do these counselling sessions work mate? As I the way I'm feeling at present is only matched by when I lost my dad.
I'm feeling exactly the same mate. My wife of 15 years told me she wanted to end the marriage 18 months ago. I've stayed in the house 'trying to win her back' and for the sake of the kids. I've finally come to the realisation that's it's over and have had an offer accepted on a house this week. I too am going through the 'grieving process' I still love her, but she said we have drifted apart. I have suspicions that deep down she has fallen for someone else. She has broken my heart, but more importantly I'll never forgive her for the upset she is going to put the kids through, as they adore me and she said they couldn't have a better dad. It all seems so senseless to me. I have lost countless sleep trying to analyse were it went wrong and more importantly the effect on my kids. Do these counselling sessions work mate? As I the way I'm feeling at present is only matched by when I lost my dad.

Hi mate, I know this won't change anything or make you feel better, but a similar thing happened years ago to one of my best mates and he finally made sense of it all by having a few paid sessions with a councillor who specialised in this area.

The councillor helped him rationalise the reasons for the split and also made him finally see that it wasn't all his fault.

It didn't initially help relieve the grief, but it really did help him move on.

Very brave post mate x
I'm feeling exactly the same mate. My wife of 15 years told me she wanted to end the marriage 18 months ago. I've stayed in the house 'trying to win her back' and for the sake of the kids. I've finally come to the realisation that's it's over and have had an offer accepted on a house this week. I too am going through the 'grieving process' I still love her, but she said we have drifted apart. I have suspicions that deep down she has fallen for someone else. She has broken my heart, but more importantly I'll never forgive her for the upset she is going to put the kids through, as they adore me and she said they couldn't have a better dad. It all seems so senseless to me. I have lost countless sleep trying to analyse were it went wrong and more importantly the effect on my kids. Do these counselling sessions work mate? As I the way I'm feeling at present is only matched by when I lost my dad.
Ok matey,

I would definetly recommend seeing a councilor. They really do help, my next sessions are to help me stop over analysing and help me move on. I will pm you.
Hi - has anyone else don CAT therapy - does it have a positive effect?

From what I've read it's very similar to CBT, but you work in tandem with the councillor to try sort your problems out, rather than being given the tools to do it yourself, as in CBT.

I think it's a spin off from CBT, a bit more intensive.

Read up on it, I'm sure it's helpful depending on the person and circumstances.

Have been a long time browser on here but never really posted.

Going through a pretty grim phase right now and I don't see any end. My and my current girlfriend decided to move to London just over a year ago. However things have changed from when we first moved, I've only really started to notice the change since we went on holiday in June, around my birthday.

She seems to be more interested in what is going on in her phone, she says it's just group chats and stuff, but she knows about my past, I suffered from anxiety and depression for 2 years once I moved back from uni after racking up too much debt and only recently within the last 6 months got my self on the right path.

It's coming back even worse than I remember from 3 years ago, just don't know what to do anymore, I've told her time and time again that things aren't right, in my head I'm ready to bin her off as my mental health is more important than her, as horrible it sounds after being together 2 years.

However the anxiety isnt the worst thing taking over it's the depression again, and I'm finding my self working out of the office a lot more as I don't want to face anyone I'll sit in bed all day and work off my laptop.

I hate going back home to visit family and it means I'm not getting to as many matches.

I can only see one slippery slope here and its already begun, I've started to drink heavy again even in the week days and try and find excuses not to see anyone as the drinking is getting worse. Credit card usage is going up, just don't see an end to it.

I know it sounds more like a bad relationship, which it is, mentally it's killing me and living 240 miles away from any family and friends is pretty grim when you're feeling this bad.
Have been a long time browser on here but never really posted.

Going through a pretty grim phase right now and I don't see any end. My and my current girlfriend decided to move to London just over a year ago. However things have changed from when we first moved, I've only really started to notice the change since we went on holiday in June, around my birthday.

She seems to be more interested in what is going on in her phone, she says it's just group chats and stuff, but she knows about my past, I suffered from anxiety and depression for 2 years once I moved back from uni after racking up too much debt and only recently within the last 6 months got my self on the right path.

It's coming back even worse than I remember from 3 years ago, just don't know what to do anymore, I've told her time and time again that things aren't right, in my head I'm ready to bin her off as my mental health is more important than her, as horrible it sounds after being together 2 years.

However the anxiety isnt the worst thing taking over it's the depression again, and I'm finding my self working out of the office a lot more as I don't want to face anyone I'll sit in bed all day and work off my laptop.

I hate going back home to visit family and it means I'm not getting to as many matches.

I can only see one slippery slope here and its already begun, I've started to drink heavy again even in the week days and try and find excuses not to see anyone as the drinking is getting worse. Credit card usage is going up, just don't see an end to it.

I know it sounds more like a bad relationship, which it is, mentally it's killing me and living 240 miles away from any family and friends is pretty grim when you're feeling this bad.

You've cracked the depression once mate, and you'll crack it again, but you'll almost certainly need some help to do so.

Admitting it here is a good first step, but, if you're signed up to a GP where you're living, make an appointment, go along, and be honest about how you feel.
Have been a long time browser on here but never really posted.

Going through a pretty grim phase right now and I don't see any end. My and my current girlfriend decided to move to London just over a year ago. However things have changed from when we first moved, I've only really started to notice the change since we went on holiday in June, around my birthday.

She seems to be more interested in what is going on in her phone, she says it's just group chats and stuff, but she knows about my past, I suffered from anxiety and depression for 2 years once I moved back from uni after racking up too much debt and only recently within the last 6 months got my self on the right path.

It's coming back even worse than I remember from 3 years ago, just don't know what to do anymore, I've told her time and time again that things aren't right, in my head I'm ready to bin her off as my mental health is more important than her, as horrible it sounds after being together 2 years.

However the anxiety isnt the worst thing taking over it's the depression again, and I'm finding my self working out of the office a lot more as I don't want to face anyone I'll sit in bed all day and work off my laptop.

I hate going back home to visit family and it means I'm not getting to as many matches.

I can only see one slippery slope here and its already begun, I've started to drink heavy again even in the week days and try and find excuses not to see anyone as the drinking is getting worse. Credit card usage is going up, just don't see an end to it.

I know it sounds more like a bad relationship, which it is, mentally it's killing me and living 240 miles away from any family and friends is pretty grim when you're feeling this bad.

Hi mate, as @Woolly Blue says first step has got to be going to your GP whether it's where you're living at the mo with work or at home.

I suspect you know this already, but isolating yourself is txt book depression and the more you do it, the worse it'll get.

Eventually you'll start jibbing work off too, especially if your caning the ale as well.

I bet you feel destroyed in the morning after a heavy session. The Irish call it " the fear " as the hangover ramps up your anxiety,

Ale is a depressant and also excerbates anxiety massively, due to it affecting the levels of the mood chemical CORTISOL in your brain. ( it's a natural steroid that's released as part of the waking up cycle - but is also part of the chemical process that regulates your mood )

Youre saying the depression is worse than the anxiety, but what you're describing there is also big time anxiety problems too.

Anxiety is much much harder to treat than depression, which imo is why a lot of health care professionals gloss over it.

You can get yourself back mate.

Knock the ale totally on the head for starters.
Go and see a GP, be totally honest, that way they can fully understand what's wrong and help.

Talk to your girlfriend once your ready ( Incredibly difficult I know ). You'll probably find she knew already, but didn't know what to say or how to broach it.

Exercise may be the last thing you want to do / feel like doing, but it massively lifts your mood afterwards due to the chemicals it releases. It also gets you out of the house too.

Don't isolate yourself from friends and family, they'll want to help, but can't if they don't know what's going on or never see you.

Herbal supplements can help ( don't take them if on meds though ).

There's a site called - " head space " which comes highly recommended by many on here.

There's also an NHS run site - MENTALHEALTH.ORG which is brilliant.

There's a forum on there, where posters can talk and support each other with every type of mental illness you can think and more.

Keep posting mate, there's loads on here who've walked in your shoes and can help you x
Work's going okay, this week is going to be tough because two of the other office workers are on holiday at the same time (what idiot approved that) leaving just me to answer the phone in the office. Still getting used to that sort of thing and although I'm doing fairly well and improving every day I'll still had a few wobbles, mostly because of extremely rude people on the other end who call up purely so they can take their anger out on someone and I've gotten a flustered a few times. Keep being told "just take a deep breath and bare it" but that's easier said than done when you have a fiery personality like me, my instincts have always been to retaliate in kind when people are being horrible to me.

Also got a bit of a telling off for my language in the office by the team leader, it wasn't big official warning type of thing, just more of a "knock that off please" and I'm going to make an effort. I swear whilst I'm making conversation with people in front of me, it's an awful habit developed whilst at school hanging around with your mates but I'm going to have kick it now I work in a more formal environment. Not exactly using abhorrent words, just minor ones like the P and S ones when I'm chatting with people and describing things and I've not done it on the phone with a caller, God no (though I'd love too with some of them). I'll probably bring a jar in and throw 10p in it in future, they all laughed when someone suggested that but I don't think it's the worst idea. Would soon help me knock it on the head and then it will become second nature to me even outside of work.

Got to know the people I work with properly by now and they're all rather nice, none of them have rubbed me up the wrong way to the point where I'd really rather not talk to them. Being mostly women in the office they're a bit nosy and bitchy but they mean no harm, I'm staying well out of the politics with this one. I pretend to see nothing and hear nothing

Outside of work it's all still the same, for now. Started going back the gym after barely going the past few months, I let myself get lazy and it's time to get myself feeling fit again, it will definitely help with the mood swings. Still getting mixed messages from a certain someone and more unsure than ever about what to do about it but hey ho, nothing ever seems cut and dry with me.

If anyone feels in a bad way and wants to talk, don't hesitate to message me, I might have been somewhere similar to where feel you are.
Have been a long time browser on here but never really posted.

Going through a pretty grim phase right now and I don't see any end. My and my current girlfriend decided to move to London just over a year ago. However things have changed from when we first moved, I've only really started to notice the change since we went on holiday in June, around my birthday.

She seems to be more interested in what is going on in her phone, she says it's just group chats and stuff, but she knows about my past, I suffered from anxiety and depression for 2 years once I moved back from uni after racking up too much debt and only recently within the last 6 months got my self on the right path.

It's coming back even worse than I remember from 3 years ago, just don't know what to do anymore, I've told her time and time again that things aren't right, in my head I'm ready to bin her off as my mental health is more important than her, as horrible it sounds after being together 2 years.

However the anxiety isnt the worst thing taking over it's the depression again, and I'm finding my self working out of the office a lot more as I don't want to face anyone I'll sit in bed all day and work off my laptop.

I hate going back home to visit family and it means I'm not getting to as many matches.

I can only see one slippery slope here and its already begun, I've started to drink heavy again even in the week days and try and find excuses not to see anyone as the drinking is getting worse. Credit card usage is going up, just don't see an end to it.

I know it sounds more like a bad relationship, which it is, mentally it's killing me and living 240 miles away from any family and friends is pretty grim when you're feeling this bad.

I think it's time you go home as soon as you're able mate, just for a period to relax yourself and then make a long term decision when you feel a bit better and clear headed. You say you hate it but you need to be around your loved ones right now, people who will rally around you and make you feel like you're in a safe environment away from the bad feelings that have you swamped right now where you are in London. A big reason for depression and anxiety is a feeling of isolation, that it's just you all alone against all the problems you have and there's no one to step in and save you when that's what you need.

I'm sorry you feel the way you do about your girlfriend, it's never nice hearing about a relationship that was once great but now is going downhill. Personally, I think you need to talk to her and lay all your cards on the table instead of keeping them close to your chest, otherwise she can never understand. Tell her you need time to get yourself better mentally and if that includes spending time away from her on a break of some sort then her reaction will tell you everything you need to know. If she reacts with genuine hurt then you know she at least cares about you, if she reacts with anger or indifference then you know she's doesn't really care, it's just her ego that's being damaged. Either way you should let her make her choice about what she wants to do about things going forward from there. If you split up and go your separate ways permanently then it could be for the best. If she's understanding about your troubles then good luck to her with her life and she'll likely wish you luck with yours. If she's callous about it as I said then whatever, it's no big loss from your life someone like that not being in it anymore. Or maybe the time away from each other could be just what you need to make you fall back in love with her all over again? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Whatever you decide mate, please don't just do nothing. It won't ever get better that way, it will only get worse. You need your family right now, you need peace and you need ways to help your mind express its' creativity to relieve the stress. Start exercising, go for walks of a night instead of shopping online with the credit cards and racking up more debt, fresh does you the world of good I swear it.

Please keep in touch. :)
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