2023/24 Dominic Calvert-Lewin

I dont mind keeping him to be fair, but only if that meant him signing a new contract.
Personally, i feel that with a better midfield he would score a hell of a lot more goals.
He will do what's best for him and his family. My hope would be if he doesn't leave he puts a proper shift in next season. Given he has to put himself in the shop window I'd be hopeful at least until January when he can sign a pre-contract agreement.
By 'what's best for him and his family' I hope this doesn't mean sitting out his contract for a free. Money - or at least the amount that these lads earn - is not everything. Barkley hashopefully learned that lesson as he'll never be really welcome back after how he treated us.

If he doesn't sign a new contract and is refusing to go elsewhere then the club should have the minerals to tell him we won't play him at all.
Sadly that wont happen. As long as Dyche is here he's guaranteed his starting spot every week no matter what. Go 20 games with 0 goals? Doesn't matter, you're in next week. Contribute 6 goals a season? Doesn't matter, you're first choice. Do nothing all game? Doesn't matter, you don't come off.

And the idiot Thelwell thinks someone is going to pay £35m for this guy?!?
Inappropriate Language
I’m also in the camp of him being a Grade A ***t if he decides to sit it out & leave for free, in order to get himself a bigger pay day.
Personally, if the club were to re-sign him for 4 years on £150k per week, I’d kind of accept it.
It’s a risk with his injury history, but it’s not more of a risk than paying out £50m on an unproven transfer and wages.
We know what we’re getting and when he’s on form / we play to his strengths he would be worth it. Problem of course is if we only see him for ½ the games and he can’t score more than 7 goals a season due to fitness and form.
More than that it’s big no from me. So if he is asking for more than that, then good luck to him and tara. Anything over £20m is a better than a bosman next year.
