Farhad Moshiri

7+ Years On... Your Verdict On Farhad Moshiri

  • Pleased

    Votes: 107 7.7%
  • Disappointed

    Votes: 1,290 92.3%

  • Total voters

I think it's a good article. It covers the back of our principal people and helps to give an impression that mistakes have been made but will not happen again. All good stuff to help the clubs reputation. It's all bullshit of course, but will help to deflect the embarrassment of the transfer fiasco.........
I think it's a good article. It covers the back of our principal people and helps to give an impression that mistakes have been made but will not happen again. All good stuff to help the clubs reputation. It's all bullshit of course, but will help to deflect the embarrassment of the transfer fiasco.........
It would've been good, were it not for the singling-out of Walsh for blame and Kenwright for praise.
Great. But you can't deny he is making some basic communication mistakes can you mate? As I wrote above, perception can be a stronger force than truth some times.

I'd hope he takes the internet reaction with a little pinch of salt, as I've said many times I don't consider forums to be a perfect representation of how our fan base feels. It's more a reflection of how the most hardcore fans feel.

An example: If you read this site and bluekipper before it you'd think kenwright was hated by all fans but sure enough when his picture came up on the big screen a couple seasons back he was greeted with cheers, not boos much to the hardcore fans dispare.

I think a section of our fans are annoyed but I believe this forum gives a false reprentatiom of how large that percentage is.

It would've been good, were it not for the singling-out of Walsh for blame and Kenwright for praise.

I assume that Walsh is not just a grossly overpaid talent spotter. I'm not sure who ultimately is responsible for 'getting them over the line', but would expect it to be either Walsh or the CEO. I would not be surprised to find out that they are all pointing fingers at each other, but that responsibilities have not been fully defined or understood in this new set up.....
Based on what???
Based on simply

1. We have an owner that can invest in the club, as opposed to BK who simply didn't have the financial acumen too.
2. We have a proven manager that has also played at the highest level, this puts us in proven hands and we can only improve
3. We have improved in the window, we have solid experience in the team and also more power and pace

I believe Moshri will invest and get the club moving forward, and we will improve over time

So yes a little more optimistic
I could be wrong but this is how I see it.

He bought us as an investment. He's going to build us a new stadium, then sell us on at a profit.

The tv money is going to help him gather the finance to build the stadium, but he won't hang around long after the new stadium is built. We're just an investement.

It may benefit us in the long run once the stadium is built, but that's all we are, an investment.

Forget him pumping loads of money in to the club, he's going to put in enough to keep us competitive while the stadium is built and he can make a return on his investment.

You may or may not be right, but even in this scenario, if his legacy is getting us a new stadium on the docks, then that will be a damn sight better than the last regime won't it?

I think there's a good chance that he isn't in it for the short term profit, as it goes. If he was just about the profit, he could've sat on his Arsenal investment. He wanted control of a club, not for profit but because he wants to be influential and build something big in a sport he loves.
I assume that Walsh is not just a grossly overpaid talent spotter. I'm not sure who ultimately is responsible for 'getting them over the line', but would expect it to be either Walsh or the CEO. I would not be surprised to find out that they are all pointing fingers at each other, but that responsibilities have not been fully defined or understood in this new set up.....
You make good points, of course. It may well utilmately be Walsh's fault.

But I really don't like way he's singled out at the same time Kenwright is praised. It's that contrast that really bothers me about the article. It makes it seem like the whole purpose of it is to exonerate Kenwright of any blame, while gently nudging Walsh into oncoming traffic.

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