Prior Moshiri it was Yarmolenko and others.
Now it was Witsel, Kone, Gabbiadini, Perez and others.
The eventual outcome was as it has been for a long time. A lack of investment in the playing squad.
Did we?
Moshiri: "Sissoko is a great player. But when I bought into Everton, I made it clear I was proud to join a family. And we don’t turn our backs on our own. Keeping James McCarthy was a priority and ultimately we could not proceed with a deal that would jeopardise his place at Everton. We wish Sissoko the best."
Likewise, to herald him as a saviour.
I'm all for hope and optimism, but I think some allow it to cloud judgement. I try, as best as I can - call a spade, a spade.
To date, I couldn't say Moshiri has had any significant impact on Everton. Scribble down how Moshiri has improved us so far, and you need to put a big circle and emphasis around how long he's been here to mitigate the lack of significant activity for me.