the fabulous new era promised by Moshiri has not materialised, we are further behind with every passing day, fair play to his team of spin doctors who have convinced people something worthwhile is happening which is reflected in the selling of season tickets, however the reality is we are incapable of attracting world class players (have we even tried?) we seem incapable of keeping our own decent players, Him and and fat Alisher are quite simply here to get a foothold in the liverpool waterfront, in 2 weeks time as pre season approaches everything will be the same as suntan bob and little Leon pioneer a meaningless friendly in tanzania and some second rate Spanish striker decides to stay at Malaga.........pathetic
I will indulge you.
I will try and address each of your points.
With regards to the fabulous era, I will concede ive seen very little to suggest thats true, as for being further behind, well thats going to take time, the new stadium would help with that, in the long term, short term we need to grow the cashflow within the club, which we have already started doing.
I think the STs sales are partly down to a feel good factor around the club, very sensible pricing and yes, to a degree, partly down to some very good PR on behalf of Moshiri.
No, we arent able to attract world class players, we have no CL and we arent a United who is able to throw money at world class players without CL, plus in Uniteds case, we have never played in the CL proper and havent won a single pot for 20+ years, so no, we cant attract world class players.
As for him and Alis intentions, they are pretty clear, to make as much money as possible, theres 2 ways to do that, bleed the club feed it on scraps and let it die, bank the parachute payments and koff on a boat to the med or build the club a new stadium, invest in the club on and off the field, grow into a real force and sell it for a MASSIVE profit, so far the signs point towards the growing of the club.
As for pre-season, our first real game will be at the end of July, our first Premier League game will be in August, there is of course a desire to get the players in early, so ideally we should be doing a LOT of business this month, but its really not panic time as of yet, lets revisit some of these points in September, when maybe we will have a better idea of how pathetic the club is.
I moved your post in here.