And thats what I mean about looking at it the wrong way.
Look at the cash, real cash, folk at United and Arsenal have taken out of their clubs. Spurs paying Levy £6m this year.
Or look at the real cash they have put in. Zippo. Or at best, peanuts.
So then ask yourself, why? Why did they all get involved in the first place? Why until recently, was Moshiri looking at 15% of Arsenal in his portfolio, and saw what is happening on our doorstep, and perhaps, just perhaps, suggested to his boss that they might get more joy, literally and money wise, Up North?
Start getting a realistic answer to that, ^^^^^, then look at what is actually going on around us.........
Or, stay fixated on how much cash he has stumped up, and fume yourself to death.
But believe me, the other way is far more interesting, and makes quite a bit of sense.