Mayor Joe Anderson has been exposed as a double agent and is really Usmanov who only becomes the lovable Big Joe once a week when he Bic's his head.
It is believed that he came up with the idea himself and pitched it to his long term pal in the Kremlin as a way of attaining world domination without anyone realising. It is believed also that he has the very top room in St Johns Tower where he sits at night stroking a moggie and supping Vladivar from Vorrington as he surveys the landscape.
Yes Comrade, ze red army is a force that is long since spent that only feeds off the past.
Ve Vill take ze vurld by surprise vith ze Blue Army & ze Vurld Vill be ours.
I am liking ziss my friend, but I am ahead of you and have already earned a testimonial & created a riot, & by ve vay you need to no eat from ze blue star so often.