Man City 0-2 Everton 25th February 20:00

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you have both pointed out about his attitude.

i think he was let down at wigan, he saw a player exodus and big money in the capital and said 'me too'.

in terms of whats happened at spurs, he has been made something of a scapegoat for their many defensive frailties.

if i remember rightly i mentioned at the time and since that a certain aiyegbene yakubu had something of an attitude issue, and moyes appears to have brought something like the best out of him so far.

heavens, consider the enigma that is munny fernandes and the very questionable circumstances surrounding him.

french international, still under 30. we dont have any other frenchies to help him settle in though. how many are in the area for other NW sides?

Am I really reading this?

*TX Bill rubs eyes

Fernandes is the scourge of all things football and is a problem but Chimbonda would fit in nicely here? And you really are joking if you're going to give credit to Moyes for turning Yak's attitude around while implying that someone like Manny is beyond him.

Not having it.

I wrote earlier in this thread that I admired Petrov's all around football ability but after seeing him kick out at both Yak and Osman, I then knew he'd never fit in at Everton with a petulant attitude like that.

Chimbonda's the same.
Am I really reading this?

*TX Bill rubs eyes

Fernandes is the scourge of all things football and is a problem but Chimbonda would fit in nicely here? And you really are joking if you're going to give credit to Moyes for turning Yak's attitude around while implying that someone like Manny is beyond him.

jumping to the wrong conclusions, not for the first time.

you see the implication, perhaps you wanted to.

Not having it.

I wrote earlier in this thread that I admired Petrov's all around football ability but after seeing him kick out at both Yak and Osman, I then knew he'd never fit in at Everton with a petulant attitude like that.

Chimbonda's the same.

how many red cards has chimbonda earned for anything let alone violent conduct. include his wigan days if you like. his wigan days where he was a pretty good player by the way.

:D b)
Jumping to the wrong conclusions am I?


You've been very clear (you love to underline to make a point, so will I) about your feelings about Manny's perceived attitude, heart, etc.... So you're right, you weren't "implying" were "saying" it.

You know Suits, you'd make a very good liberal in this country.

When a liberal is faced with the facts, they change the subject and say, "Well that wasn't the point we were discussing anyway...." Then they get hit with the facts on the supposed "new" point and pull the same thing again, never bothering to answer the original points at hand. They keep doing it over and over hoping it'll go away because they never have a leg to stand on when it comes to the original point at hand.

I'm not saying that you never have anything concrete or of substance to say but I get a kick when you bring up red cards and Chimbonda when that really isn't the point now is it?

I've got to hand it to you though. Thinking that Chimbonda would fit in here while someone like Manny is a no-hoper. That takes brass ones my friend.

Consistency's all we ask.
Jumping to the wrong conclusions am I?


You've been very clear (you love to underline to make a point, so will I) about your feelings about Manny's perceived attitude, heart, etc.... So you're right, you weren't "implying" were "saying" it.

in that case, why accuse of imply?

You know Suits, you'd make a very good liberal in this country.

not sure i'd make a very good anything, (calm!) but arent the liberals lefties? and if so, isnt that hippy land?

When a liberal is faced with the facts, they change the subject and say, "Well that wasn't the point we were discussing anyway...." Then they get hit with the facts on the supposed "new" point and pull the same thing again, never bothering to answer the original points at hand. They keep doing it over and over hoping it'll go away because they never have a leg to stand on when it comes to the original point at hand.

I'm not saying that you never have anything concrete or of substance to say but I get a kick when you bring up red cards and Chimbonda when that really isn't the point now is it?

hmmm, well, lets consider the following
TX said:
I admired Petrov's all around football ability but after seeing him kick out at both Yak and Osman, I then knew he'd never fit in at Everton with a petulant attitude like that.
you mentioned 'petrov', you mentioned 'kick out', it earned him a soft red card.

I've got to hand it to you though. Thinking that Chimbonda would fit in here while someone like Manny is a no-hoper. That takes brass ones my friend.

can you rise the quote of me where i state munny is a no hoper please. pretty please with sugar on top. who are the people in the states that misquote the other side to undermine and discredit?

Consistency's all we ask.

chimbonda - wigan 2005-2006 .......38 games - 2 goals
chimbonda - spurs 2006 - current....58 games - 3 goals

munny - pompey 2006 - 2007........10 games - 0 goals
munny - everton 2007 - only..........9 games - 2 goals
munny - valencia 2007 - only.........3 games - 0 goals
munny - everton 2008 - current.....3+games - 0 goals


numbers and facts in blue and green regarding chimbonda and fernandes accurate as far as wikipedia.*


YES !!! Consistency please !!!

What's with the goals/stats between Chimbonda and Manny?

Where's the heart Suits? Where's the attitude? Where's the motivation you've been so vocal in saying that Manny doesn't have? Where's the "Chimbonda's a mercenary" quotes that I was sure I could count on you for. After all, he left Wigan for the bigger better deal. Surely he's in the same mercenary boat that Manny was after he chose Valencia.

Or is that a "different" type of mercenary?

I call you out on it and you come up with games and goals stats. That isn't consistent my friend.

I don't need to go get quotes, I'll I've got to do is link the Fernandes thread and you've done yourself enough justice in there regarding what you think about Manny that there's no need to quote you.

What's the matter, don't YOU remember what you've said to this point? I do.

And could you explain your "Petrov" and "kick out" reply as I haven't a clue. Perhaps I brought that up as to what type of attitude wouldn't be tolerated at Everton. You know, an analogy.

I'm just laughing that you would consider Chimbonda of all players.
I dont get all the liberal and conservative thing, what I am Bill?

Liberals and conservatives come in many different shapes and sizes but I can tell you that the one factor that links all liberals together here in the USA is that they apply childlike emotionalism to all adult/real world issues.

Speaking of conservatism, William F. Buckley Jr. passed away today at 82. See obit below:,2933,333055,00.html

Couldn't tell you what you are Chico but I think it was Churchill who said it best:

"If you're 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you're 40 and not conservative, you have no brain."

YES !!! Consistency please !!!

What's with the goals/stats between Chimbonda and Manny?

consistent performer in the premier league?

Where's the heart Suits? Where's the attitude? Where's the motivation you've been so vocal in saying that Manny doesn't have? Where's the "Chimbonda's a mercenary" quotes that I was sure I could count on you for. After all, he left Wigan for the bigger better deal. Surely he's in the same mercenary boat that Manny was after he chose Valencia.

motivated to play for a better side not selling its stars like bullard?

see 'surely' underlined? thats the jumping to conclusions thing ;)

Or is that a "different" type of mercenary?

try harder.

I call you out on it and you come up with games and goals stats. That isn't consistent my friend.

consistent games in the prem proven. 96 chimbonda, 25 fernandes. thats almost 4 to 1. now, over that duration it has been possible to follow and judge a player to make a more accurate assessment.

wouldnt you agree?

I don't need to go get quotes, I'll I've got to do is link the Fernandes thread and you've done yourself enough justice in there regarding what you think about Manny that there's no need to quote you.

no quotes? how convenient. do you take back the ''no hoper'' accusation then?

What's the matter, don't YOU remember what you've said to this point? I do.

And could you explain your "Petrov" and "kick out" reply as I haven't a clue. Perhaps I brought that up as to what type of attitude wouldn't be tolerated at Everton. You know, an analogy.

you say analogy, i say comparison.

I'm just laughing that you would consider Chimbonda of all players.

chimbonda of all players? name another right back with league experience that we could possibly try to sign.

over to you :)

And yet you still keep avoiding the questions/points.

You've said it Suits regarding the attitude about Manny, not me.

So enough with the fronting each quote with no substance to the corresponding text (I loved this one..."Is that a different type of mercenary?" Try harder. That one had me laughing out loud).

Notice with that one like every other "answer" you really didn't answer it.

So let's try this again with just one question which you can quote to your heart's content. But please, try to answer it this time, if you're able.

Why is Chimbonda's attitude different than Manny's and why isn't he a mercenary like Manny in looking for a better deal?

(You gave some b.s. excuse like "Wigan was selling off players" but everyone and their dog knows Chimbonda engineered that deal. Wigan wasn't looking to offload him, not after staying in the Premier League. You know it, I know it, anyone who follows football knows it.)

Gotta hand it to you Suits, like with many of your posts, you gave answers without answering the question. Hats off to you...

...and over to you.
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And yet you still keep avoiding the questions/points.

irony level rising.

You've said it Suits regarding the attitude about Manny, not me.

no i havnt, i have said a few other things, but definitely definitely not ''no hoper'' - quote me or take it back please. (alternatively, ask me why i am so stuck on that allegation)

So enough with the fronting each quote with no substance to the corresponding text (I loved this one..."Is that a different type of mercenary?" Try harder. That one had me laughing out loud).

theres a possibility we have been laughing at different things regarding this. ''different type of mercenary'' tx, you need a better trap than that one. :) hence: ''try harder''

Notice with that one like every other "answer" you really didn't answer it.

well, your not doing to bad at skirting the issues yourself.

So let's try this again with just one question which you can quote to your heart's content. But please, try to answer it this time, if you're able.

Why is Chimbonda's attitude different than Manny's and why isn't he a mercenary like Manny in looking for a better deal?

just one question? ''AND why isn't he''

i shall indulge you.

attitude, has chimbonda ever signed for a club then welched at the last moment and [Poor language removed] off else where?

watching munny half ass it around the pitch since his re-arrival has me questioning his attitude/desire/heart.

chimbonda played bloody hell in the carling pisspot when subbed, such was his desire to finish the game and be a full part of the victory.

has chimbonda ever signed for a club then welched at the last moment and [Poor language removed] off else where?

chimbonda may have engineered a move out of wigan, but their better players were being cherry picked by other clubs - notably - jimmy bullard, the player easily their best in that first season.
thats a statement of intent by the club, about ambition, about desire, remember john collins quote about someone 'telling fibs'?

(You gave some b.s. excuse like "Wigan was selling off players" but everyone and their dog knows Chimbonda engineered that deal. Wigan wasn't looking to offload him, not after staying in the Premier League. You know it, I know it, anyone who follows football knows it.)

speak for you, not everyone and his dog. and please dont decide to inform me of what i 'know'. i dont do it to you, please show me the same courtesy.

Gotta hand it to you Suits, like with many of your posts, you gave answers without answering the question. Hats off to you.

earlier you went off at a tangent about me being a potential good liberal in the us due to my seeming preference for deflecting difficult questions by bringing up other issues. you were ironic then, like you have been with the last point that has nothing to do with the subject being discussed.

can you name another right back with prem experience that is also an international, has european experience, is seemingly out of favour at his current club, and could possibly be within our price range?

Are you like them CNBC people, TX? That's my vision of you. (No, not Louisa Bojesen...

Shirtsleeves and tie and let the market decide.

(Mind you, I do have a soft spot for that cuddly contrarian Hugh Hendry.)

You know us Euro-pinkos love you really.
Ahhhh...good Suits, good.

It only took a few posts from me to get you to answer the question after evading the point...

And don't be a fuckwit. I used the word "no-hoper" but obviously you can't remember the discussion in one of the many threads where you CLEARLY STATED that you questioned Manny's heart, determination, and motivation.

Chimbonda's not a mercenary AND Manny is? Who gives a [Poor language removed] what happened regarding how it happened? They both left for the bigger, better deal, pure and simple. You just don't like that Manny screwed YOU over so you'll be sure to hold it against him.

But you'll have no problem with a player like Chimbonda over him?


Suits, your biases clearly show and I'd recommend that your refrain from commenting further on the subject if you just can't admit it.

Oh, and I will call you out on what you don't know (there's that underline again, I'm starting to like that...) regarding Wigan supposedly offloading players.

Having Fulham take Bullard off their hands constitutes "selling off their players?"

What's next? Everton selling off our players because we sold Faddy?

But hey, for just a second, it made it sound like you knew what the hell you were talking about....but just for a second.

Since you're so big on me quoting you, how's this:

"Try harder."
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Are you like them CNBC people, TX? That's my vision of you. (No, not Louisa Bojesen...

Shirtsleeves and tie and let the market decide.

(Mind you, I do have a soft spot for that cuddly contrarian Hugh Hendry.)

You know us Euro-pinkos love you really.


Even though I'm in that industry, I quit watching CNBC years ago and just keep Bloomberg News on in the background.

The real high point was after the Wall Street research scandals, CNBC made sure they led the charge on the coverage. The irony was that they had many of those same analysts on over and over again to boost ratings and sell advertising.

But when the crap hit the fan, you couldn't see them get away from them quick enough. And anytime they had an analyst on after that, they'd hammer that analyst with disclamers and disclosures "in the interest of the viewers."

Just made me laugh.

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