Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Yeah. Cal was always a sucker for a good wedding H. Wherever we were in the world, all plans were put on hold at the first sign of a wedding until Cal got her glimpse of the bride. How did you know?. I don't recall ever mentioning that in here.

And you're spot on about the anniversary too. Next Tuesday.

She’s a woman…enough said……

A lady stopped me in the gym this morning to tell me I always smell nice, and said that apparently a few people have remarked similarly. When you look like I do, smelling nice is very important, so I was cock-a-hoop as you can imagine.

Sister and bro in law came over on the boat this evening, so they can do a spot of babysitting for us while we go galavanting off to London tomorrow for a gig. Decent day, all in all!

Hope everyone here is well.

@jazzy any updates on that pizza?
A lady stopped me in the gym this morning to tell me I always smell nice, and said that apparently a few people have remarked similarly. When you look like I do, smelling nice is very important, so I was cock-a-hoop as you can imagine.

Sister and bro in law came over on the boat this evening, so they can do a spot of babysitting for us while we go galavanting off to London tomorrow for a gig. Decent day, all in all!

Hope everyone here is well.

@jazzy any updates on that pizza?
Well done that man ,take all the compliments you get .
good morning all on this already toasty day here in Finland another 30° forecast . I hope all slept well and have a great day today . Missed the Friday G&T from @Barnfred 55 I hope his neighbour didn't have too much of a nibble .
We celebrate Midsummer's day as one of the biggest in Finland , the wife has invited a good friend -who doesn't eat meat other than chicken is gluten free and has a few allergies . The only thing I could come up with was banana butties !I forgot the bread so bananas it is COYBlol lol
A lady stopped me in the gym this morning to tell me I always smell nice, and said that apparently a few people have remarked similarly. When you look like I do, smelling nice is very important, so I was cock-a-hoop as you can imagine.

Sister and bro in law came over on the boat this evening, so they can do a spot of babysitting for us while we go galavanting off to London tomorrow for a gig. Decent day, all in all!

Hope everyone here is well.

@jazzy any updates on that pizza?
Consumed a couple of days ago Brett..
On the parfum it's surprising what a bit of old spice does isn't it.

Morning toute le monde ,

Off to the North West Audio show today. Mrs J worried that Im going to spend yet more money on hifi but I've promised her I won't lol .

I was absolutely knackered yesterday working on the jungle area and after one glass of vino too many fell asleep listening to Gregory Porter.

Mrs J was watching Monty and sensibly took herself off to bed only for Rosie to go mad when she heard me padding about downstairs when I woke at 1.30am.

Fortunately Gregory was on CD and not vinyl!

Anyway whatever you've got planned have a lovely day
Was it every bit as good as you thought it would be Anj?
Cricket was wonderful but honestly I don't get the declaration, unless weather was the reason.
It was amazing. Absolutely at the top of his game. Two hours 55 minutes. Non stop. I don't know how he does it. He's 73!
Yeah I was surprised by that too. There is rain forecast next week so you could be right.

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