Referees v Everton

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I said this two years ago:

It's nothing to do with their fitness: the issue is that they're a closed shop who are regulated by the PGMOL - all ex-referees - so they look after themselves.

There is no accountability: if there are errors and mistakes then the lengths they go to defend them with questionable outcomes, if there are any, is ridiculous.
Before that, I said something similar and again something similar before that. If they make a mistake, which they often do, you may get an apology, but it's glib.

There's no real reflection nor is there any retrospective action against either the referee or changes to the system . The same ol' ineptitude goes on and on.

As others have said, I'd go back to the days of VAR at the drop of a hat as I could 'accept' errors made in the here and now, but VAR is farcical.

The fun of the game is being sucked out of it, and you rarely have a day of fixtures without something contentious, at a minimum.
I say it all the time. The one and only concern across the country about it was it would make the make a bit dull. With no controversy etc.

Having wrong decisions made against you to a laughable level was something I didn't think could happen in a million years unless who's responsible would be sacked in the morning.
Right at the end of the game Lewin was blatantly shoved right in front of the ref, I could see it was blatant from where I was but the ref waved played on. I know there were plenty of other examples in the game but that was the one that just proved beyond doubt the refs incompetence. By the way, the baldy linesman was no better.
Is that the instance where Dom almost had his shirt pulled over his head by the defender? Referee was 4 ft away and waved play on.

Every clubs fanbase is absolutely convinced the refs have it in for them including fans of the big teams.

There is no conspiracy, they are just bad at their job and don't face any real consequences when they screw up which leads to low standards.
Tbh I have seen a better standard in the League of Ireland since the 70s. Yes I have disagreed with many decisions but nothing like the relentless rubbish Everton have suffered in that time.

An apology afterwards is too little too late. Clive Thomas in 77, Hansen's handball in 84, Clattenberg, the Man City handball just goes on.
Every clubs fanbase is absolutely convinced the refs have it in for them including fans of the big teams.

There is no conspiracy, they are just bad at their job and don't face any real consequences when they screw up which leads to low standards.
Well the big team bias is very real. It happens every week. The fans of those teams need to get real

Every clubs fanbase is absolutely convinced the refs have it in for them including fans of the big teams.

There is no conspiracy, they are just bad at their job and don't face any real consequences when they screw up which leads to low standards.
See I disagree. If they're so bad at their jobs. Why do the big teams get the dubious penalties, get away with things that we wouldn't etc?

Let's admit, if that City handball happens down the other end and it's Keane handballing it, is it given? Of course it is. This takes away the "bad at their job" angle.

If one team gets those decisions and one doesn't, it's an unfair game. I've seen enough games this season and laughed out loud at the sky teams getting ridiculous decisions their way. They're protected, the same way cup draws always protect them too.
I'd prefer to put it down to complete and utter incompetence as for it to be a conspiracy would need lots of people to be involved which would make it impossible to be kept quiet. I think we're seeing some of the worse decisions being made against us because we only see those decisions but i reckon lots of other teams have legitimate gripes. I do think though that there is a massive bias to how decisions are looked at across the board from the media to the officiating with for instance Gordon going down for a penalty last night after stepping across the Newcastle defender and him making contact with Gordon. This was described as Gordon knows what he's doing and so wasn't a penalty but i would guarantee if it had been Salah it would have been described as Salah was clever putting his body in a position to make the Newcastle defender foul him and that there was enough contact for a penalty. Not incompetence but a different view being applied.
I was thinking the same re: Gordon pen shout. I can't remember which game now ( and its probably several games), but I've definitely seen pens given when the attacker is considered by media to be 'clever enough' to get his body in front of the defender and draw a foul.
I'd prefer to put it down to complete and utter incompetence as for it to be a conspiracy would need lots of people to be involved which would make it impossible to be kept quiet. I think we're seeing some of the worse decisions being made against us because we only see those decisions but i reckon lots of other teams have legitimate gripes. I do think though that there is a massive bias to how decisions are looked at across the board from the media to the officiating with for instance Gordon going down for a penalty last night after stepping across the Newcastle defender and him making contact with Gordon. This was described as Gordon knows what he's doing and so wasn't a penalty but i would guarantee if it had been Salah it would have been described as Salah was clever putting his body in a position to make the Newcastle defender foul him and that there was enough contact for a penalty. Not incompetence but a different view being applied.
Seen clips of Mane diving the other night against Arsenal, ref just waved it away. If it wouldve been Richy the ref wouldve been straight to his pocket.

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