Isn’t the point of a forum to discuss things though, this extends to any activity connected with the club or should we all stay silent in how any such protests are executed?
I for one, applaud them which is why I try not to be critical because as you say, all I am doing is typing on a forum, so I think what they are doing is admirable but can we not discuss the actions taken?
I think they have done a lot of good, positive things to highlight the malaise (let’s face it there is a lot of evidence to highlight) but I also think todays Open letter was probably a little too strong in referencing someone‘s health but other than that, I agree with the overarching objective.
It just feels to me that, where BK and DBB are concerned - speak up….shout loudly from the rooftops…..when fan protests are discussed…..shut up and don’t say anything. It reminds me of the stories my dad used to tell me about Union bullies on the floor if workers didn’t agree with them after a public show of hands (until secret ballots were introduced)
We all want the same thing - the removal of this Board - I would think we are all united in that so as far as I am concerned all areas are up for debate/discussion.