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  1. ToffeeDoug

    2022/23 Kevin Thelwell

    No experience of negotiating transfer deals in his previous roles. So ideal fodder for Kenwright to step in, arm round the shoulder, "it's fine Kevin, I'll take over from here".
  2. ToffeeDoug

    Confirmed Signing Youssef Chermiti

    For that money though we might just have unearthed the new Lacina Traore!
  3. ToffeeDoug

    Confirmed Signing Youssef Chermiti

    Does the young lad really want to spend his career time-wasting?
  4. ToffeeDoug

    Honorary title for W.Kenwright…

    It might not just be a case of the inept clown deserving any Honorary title but some fans hoping any such title, however ill-deserved, expedites his speedy exit from the club. That's for the yes voters to tell us
  5. ToffeeDoug

    Honorary title for W.Kenwright…

    Yes, the answer is probably rarely. But taking a snapshot of fan opinion and then passing it to the club is still the correct action to do. We can't stop trying to do the right thing
  6. ToffeeDoug

    Honorary title for W.Kenwright…

    If the result of the poll, that 93% don't want Kenwright to be awarded any Honorary recognition from Moshiri or the club, is then communicated to the club then the poll has served its purpose
  7. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    The original focus of the 27C wasn't anti-Moshiri at all, if anything it was imploring him to get a proper grip on the club that was costing him a fortune in wasted money. The focus was definitely 'a better run Everton would be a more successful Everton and thus help Moshiri to protect and...
  8. ToffeeDoug

    The Everton Board Thread

    A 120 point plan only demonstrates just how broken everything was at the club before. It's an admission on their part how wrong things were. But's there's zero accountability for those failings. Instead they're trying to get acclaim for a 120 point plan!!
  9. ToffeeDoug

    2022/23 Frank Lampard

    If we don't recruit what we need in this coming transfer window, Lampard in or out is largely incidental. If we fail too, then I suspect we go down without much of a whimper. No Richarlison or a multitude of blue flares to save us this time.
  10. ToffeeDoug

    2022/23 Frank Lampard

    The full horror of Lampard's time at Everton. I'm not calling for him to be sacked but this record would have had most managers sacked by now. I'm at the point where it simply doesn't matter who the manager is. The new guy will still have Maupay and McNeil. Only signing quality forwards in...
  11. ToffeeDoug

    Official Club media thread

    Honestly, if I get one more emailed survey about my eating and drinking preferences at BMD I will scream!
  12. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    If the Fans Forum or the Fans Advisory Board had any serious challenging purpose or objective or independent thought then the club would never have allowed them to be created in the first place!
  13. ToffeeDoug

    The Everton Board Thread

    100% agreement on that part. The skills that DBB has are not those needed to arrest the sharp decline of a club that will have lost over £400m across the past four years (once the 21-22 financial accounts are finally published)
  14. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    Jazz Bal, the chair. He continues to maintain that the Board deserve more time to turn things around.
  15. ToffeeDoug

    The Everton Board Thread

    It was suggested (yes I know, unverifiable) that a couple of years ago DBB had sat in front of some influential committees (looking at football governance) and believed she had impressed and done well enough to secure a better job away from Everton. But apparently/allegedly, the opposite was...
  16. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    An excellent post if I might say so. There's a cosiness undermining all the efforts to push the argument for change. There are groups who have privileged access to the club and they will never call out the hand that feeds.
  17. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    Ben, I think the answer there is an owner, who had conducted much of his business life in the shadows, recognising that the Board would be unable to give him a tough, challenging time so he was happy to keep them!
  18. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    You're absolutely correct, a lot of abuse has been aimed at 27C members. And while there is an obvious slanging match in all directions (which hurts me as a fan), I'm sure none has come directly from 27C members themselves. But the wider point remains highly valid. It is horrible to see a...
  19. ToffeeDoug

    The Everton Board Thread

    Those are very telling statistics. And if you are Farhad Moshiri, you don't want Board members and senior employees asking you tough questions, issuing challenges or pushing the need for change. In that way, he has got exactly the Board membership and senior execs that he wants. Yes people...
  20. ToffeeDoug

    #27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

    "I and" were inserted later. As I say it was written as if it was what I wanted 27C to be saying, to convince an 'ordinary fan' on the matter. Hence I said "we" as if they were writing it. Fair play that they published it intact apart from adding two words. I'm not a member of the 27C (although...